Parents What are the diffrent tumbling passes called ?

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Proud Parent
Sep 12, 2013
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My daughter did two years of All Star Cheer, due to drama (if you thought Cheer Perfection was bad -LOL-) and the last year being just to much I pulled her to just tumble so she could slow down and progress at her own pace. Unfortunilty the new cheer coach saw no reason to cont. her tumbling if she wasn't ready to learn a full and thus stated he didn't want to work with her (she was 8yrs at the time know 9). Thus I moved on to a gymnastics coach. We live in a small town with limited options, it's really not even a gymnastics gym just a tumble class at the local community college). Anyway from cheer all I know about are cartwheels, round offs, back handsprings, tucks, layouts, whips & fulls. Since moving to a gymnastics coach she has learned an aerial (I do believe I saw those at a cheer comp.) and what is called a branie (no handed round off). I think the branie was by accident, when she did a bad aerial and that's what coach told her she did. What are the other tumble passes that gymnast do and what are the a variations of (if any) ? I do believe their is a lot of tumbling gymnast due that isn't legal with comp. cheer. Has for cheer coach, he has since apologized stated he would love to have her join the All-Star and work with her their (since she would be benefiting the team). Anyway, it's a wee bit exciting to think their is other tumbling she can learn besides the full. She did show me a 1/2 full and I had to laugh since I didn't see much difference in that and a layout -LOL- maybe it's all just a part of building up to a full :) Thanks
it's barani. and of course, she got good and the cheer coach comes back. :)

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