What's worse - rips or blood blisters?

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Which is worse while practicing/competing bars, rips or blood blisters?
For me, rips, definately - they sting like anything!
I usually get blood blisters when working on strap bar and rips on wooden.
The blood blisters only last a matter of hours too - normally because I stop working on bars as soon as they start to appear.
Thanks, that explains it. Elizabeth's been working the strap bar.
have the coach make a small tape grip from tape or gauze. it help to prevent blood blisters.
Well if there's a pocket with liquid, it's more than likely going to rip eventually if you keep swinging (maybe not on strap bar, there's less friction). But rips are open skin, so before they harden, yeah that.
I find that if you keep working on a blood blister they get bigger, so I always cut the skin off as soon as I get one in order to prevent this. So in effect the blood blister becomes a rip, so for me I don't dislike one more than the other. But, I've never had a blood blister on strap bar though, where do you get them? on your wrists?
one's own skin is the best band aid. best left on for 24 hours before removing. then follow with small tape or gauze grip until more skin is visible. the same applies to rips.

if rip leaves a flap, simply press skin back into place and then apply a small drop of crazy glue around the perimeter. the flap will die off while new skin begins beneath. you will find that this works much faster for healing.

if a blood blister, simply sterilize a needle with alcohol or lighter. punture a small hole into the blister then knead the blister until fully drained. leave 'bubbled skin' in place until the next day. you will find that this works much faster for healing.

for wrists? scotch tape works best under gym tape.
Yeah, I'm with you on this, Dunno. Too many people want to cut it off typically. The flap of skin dries out real fast anyways.
I find that if you keep working on a blood blister they get bigger, so I always cut the skin off as soon as I get one in order to prevent this. So in effect the blood blister becomes a rip, so for me I don't dislike one more than the other. But, I've never had a blood blister on strap bar though, where do you get them? on your wrists?

I get blood blisters in much the same place as rips, just under my fingers. Many of the others get them on their wrists too, but again, just use electrical tape or something similar underneath wristbands and that'll stop.

I also agree about not cutting the 'flap' of skin off a rip.
My answer... BOTH!!! I hate them both!!! I don't usually get blood blisters, but i don't usually rip either. I'm coming back from a broken foot where i was off for 2 months, so all of my callouses ran away and i'm ripping like crazy! I'm already pretty talented in the getting blood on the equipment area, so if i started blood blisters, my coaches would not be thrilled most likely (and then i would have to learn how to clean the blood off the bars too) So yeah, they both stink. I don't like either!
if rip leaves a flap, simply press skin back into place and then apply a small drop of crazy glue around the perimeter. the flap will die off while new skin begins beneath. you will find that this works much faster for healing.

I agree about not popping blisters, but having had a staph infection before, I would never encourage kids to do this. It might be a different story if we were in an even vaguely sterile environment, but since we aren't, I would be pretty wary. Just applying something that isn't meant to be antibacterial and could be contaminated is risky, even if the site is cleaned first. And crazy glue isn't meant to applied to open skin. I would be concerned with the potential for reactions or even chemical burns. I'm sure it wouldn't negatively affect most people, but as a general rule, I don't see a point in leaving a skin flap. I always cut it off because I'm not going to keep swinging bars with it attached. First of all, it's just annoying, secondly if you don't smooth it down so there's still like a tag of skin, you're just asking for it to rip more. For kids who aren't going to keep swinging maybe the options are different, but I wouldn't want them to be picking at it anyway.
the kids shoud not be doing this. the coaches should. and certainly there are doctors/parents at these gyms that can show the coach how to do it.

crazy glue has been used for ions in gymnastics. they use this product today in hospitals as an alternative to stitches/staples to closing small wounds. and i certainly did not imply to pour crazy glue into an open wound.

i understand your staph episode. the problem today is that the gymnasts [or coach] rip the flaps off. then put dirty wrist bands back on over the wrist rips, or grips back over and on the open rips, along with spraying water from the water bottles, and spitting, and so on. you get the message.

then, the parents put neosporin/biaxin products on the rips. and usually without cleaning the wounds sufficiently and giving them time to dry out. skin growth is expedited by those products giving a false sense of there being enough skin growth to continue on only to rip worse and usually deeper within 72 hours. and as coaches know, this always happens on the eve of competition.

saline solution and vaseline are best post rip. and again, one's own skin is better left on the wound for expedited healing.

someone posted electrical tape. scotch tape is best. some tapes have adhesives that could be caustic and irritating and prolong the healing process. though you must use more of it, scotch tape has not caused any problems for those that use it. and i'm sure that will be said for electrical tape as well by some that use it. and scotch tape can be place on those little 'tags' of skin you are speaking of.

my above recommendations are not mine exclusively but those of a dermatologist.
the reference to "duoderm" is crazy glue.

The Treatment of "Rips" (Wounds) on the Gymnasts' Hands

The Treatment of "Rips" (Wounds) on the Gymnasts'
Larry Nassar, DO, ATC
USAG National Team Medical Staff
Great Lakes Gymnastics Club Team Physician​
The treatment of rips has become a part of gymnastics folk lore through the years. You can
listen to coaches proudly boast that “When I was a gymnast I had a rip the size of a silver
dollar and I just tore the skin off with my teeth, spit on the rip, and went back on the bar!”
There are many treatments that have been tried and sworn to be effective through the years.
For example:
1. Preparation H or other hemorrhoid ointments have been used to reduce tissue
swelling and some have a topical anesthetic to help numb the rip.
2. Bag Balm which is a veterinary balm applied to cows' utters because they have a
tendency to crack/split. Bag Balm is used to help treat fresh rips or as a hand
conditioner to prevent rips.
3. A small balloon taped over the rip may help. The friction generated between the bars
and the tape causes the balloon to rub against its inner surfaces and prevents motion
between the balloon and the rip.
4. Tuff Skin (a taping base) sprayed onto a fresh rip, has been reported to STING! but is
suppose to help heal rips (not recommended).
5. Another torture treatment that STINGS a great deal is soaking the freshly ripped hand
in a 10 percent bleach in water solution (not recommended).
6. The old standby of covering the hands with a hand lotion, vitamin E, or aloe vera at
night while sleeping and protecting the bed sheets by wearing gloves or socks over
the hands. Please, use a non-perfumed hand lotion since the perfume is alcohol based
and will STING.
7. Gibson (1–800–275–5999) sells DAT Sticks which is a series of three balms: a
callous stick used prior to workouts to promote toughening of calluses, a condition
stick which is used at night to keep calluses smooth and pliable, and a rip stick used
to help heal fresh rips.
8. The company, 10.0 (1–800–241–9249), sells Spenco “Rip Kits” which contains “2nd
Skin” (a hydrogel dressing) to help with fresh rips and to help prevent and protect
rips. The kit also contains pressure foam pads and adhesive knit. 10.0 also sells a
“skin freeze” which is a spray that will cool down hot hands to reduce skin irritation.
9. Dunlap makes a skin protector called “Compeed” which can be used in practice to
protect the fresh rip and also helps to heal these rips. This can be found in many
sporting goods stores and bicycle shops.
10. Neoprene rubber wrist bands are used to prevent rips on the wrists from dowel grips.
11. G.A. Deitch (717–697–3107) makes a lanolin protective glove which is worn
underneath the regular grip as a "undergrip".
12. Of course the tape grip made out of white trainer's tape to protect a rip is a standard
but I recommend using Johnson & Johnson Elastikon elastic tape instead.
13. Trimming calluses (with a “Pyrex Corn and Callus Shaver”) is important to help
prevent rips from occurring.
14. DuoDERM and Nova Derm sterile occlusive dressings and Op-sight and Bioclusive
transparent moisture vapor permeable hypoallergenic viral barriers
USA Gymnastics Online: Technique: The Treatment of "Rips" (Wounds) on the Gymnast... Page 1 of 3​
Recommended treatment for rips​
Prevention of infection is the first thing that must be considered when treating a rip. I have
seen improperly treated rips develop cellulitis (blood poisoning) and required intravenous
(IV) antibiotics for treatment of the wound. To prevent this from occurring the most
important thing to do after a rip occurs is to wash the hand with warm water and a mild
soap. The latest medical research shows that soap and warm water is more effective in
treating wounds than using Betadine (providone iodine) or hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen
peroxide should no longer be used as a general wound cleaner unless recommended by a
physician for a specific wound. It has been determined that hydrogen peroxide is too caustic
for the wound and destroys healthy cells and can actually delay healing. Betadine has also
been shown to be too strong and can damage cells when applied to a wound. Betadine is
still used as a pre-operation skin preparation (to clean the skin before it is cut open) and is
used for cleaning wounds in the Emergency Room prior to suturing lacerations but the
Betadine is watered down with sterile water and is rarely used with out being watered down.
The most effective way of cleaning wounds is by irrigating well with water and washing
with warm soapy water.
Once the rip has been washed and dried well to prevent infection then a sterile bandage
should be applied. The type of sterile bandage is dependent on the severity of the rip and the
amount of money available for treating the wound. The inexpensive way of treating minor
rips is by applying a triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) to a sterile bandage and covering
the wound with this bandage. When this bandage becomes wet it should be changed.
The most effective way to speed up the healing process is to utilize the expensive bandage
protocol. After the wound has been cleaned by soapy water and dried, a DuoDERM Extra
Thin CGF Spot dressing is applied to the wound. DuoDERM dressings have a skin contact
adhesive layer containing hydroactive particles that interact with fluid produced by the
wound. This forms a moist gel which provides a great environment for cell migration,
leading to rapid healing. Because of this environment, you should not add a triple antibiotic
ointment (Neosporin) to the wound when DuoDERM is used as a dressing since it may
actually delay healing. Some studies (Xakellis and Chrischilles) have shown a 46 percent
faster healing rate than with gauze bandages. This moist gel which protects the wound from
re-injury when the dressing is removed. With gauze bandages the wound dries out and
sticks to the dressing and can tear away newly formed tissue when the bandage is removed
DuoDERM Dressings present a functional barrier to external contamination with infection
rates up to five times lower than with gauze bandages (Hutchinson). It can be left on for as
long as seven days in a row before needing to be changed. The gymnast may wash their
hands and even shower and keep the dressing in place. With the Extra Thin DuoDERM
gymnasts can even swing bars with the bandage held in place by tape beneath the grip.
However, some gymnasts prefer to use an even thinner viral barrier called Bioclusive or
Op-sight while swinging bars. It is my recommendation that after use on bars the dressing
should be changed no matter what type is used. However, if the gymnast does not swing
bars the dressing may remain in place after practice.
DuoDERM is currently be used by many collegiate and professional sports medicine staffs
for their athletes in a variety of sports. These facilities, however, have the resources to
purchase the dressings. Our gymnasts may not have the funds to buy the product. The way
USA Gymnastics Online: Technique: The Treatment of "Rips" (Wounds) on the Gymnast... Page 2 of 3
to help reduce this cost is to have a physician write a prescription for the DuoDERM. Ask
the physician to put several refills on the prescription so that more DuoDERM can be used
when the gymnast rips again in the future. Since many medical insurance companies cover
the use of DuoDERM the only cost to the gymnast is the prescription co-pay. DuoDERM is
available over the counter at many pharmacies. The best way to find it is to go to a
pharmacy connected to a hospital or one which sells hospital supplies. Remember the extrathin
type of DuoDERM is the type to use.
No matter what type of dressing you use to cover the wound signs of infection need to be
assessed. These signs of infection include: a foul order, pus or yellowish discharge
(exudate), redness (erythema), and fever. If these signs develop the wound should be
evaluated by a physician for further cleaning and the use of antibiotics.​
1. Hutchinson J.J. Prevalence of wound infection under occlusive dressings: A collective
survey of reported research.​
Wounds. 1989; 1:123–124.
2. Tudhope M. Management of pressure ulcers with a hydrocolloid occlusive dressing. J of
Therapy. May/June 1984; II:102–105.
3. Xakellis G.C. and Chrischilles E.A. Hydrocolloid versus saline-gauze dressings in
treating pressure ulcers: A cost-effectiveness analysis.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. May 1992;

This article appears in the October 1995 issue of Technique, Vol. 15, No. 8, p. 14
They definitively do not use crazy glue in hospitals. They use dermabond, which is similar, but does not burn skin like superglue or crazyglue does. Superglue is caustic. Don't use it to glue your rips closed. *headdesk*
as i said upthread. crazy glue has been used in gymnastics since the 70's. it is NOT caustic and does not burn skin. have never seen it and it's use is worldwide. to clarify again, do not squirt glue into open rip. press the skin back down and 'spot' close the rip on the perimeter. i also said it should be done by coaches and not by kids.

you need to check who the manufacturer is of dermabond. i think you will be remarkably surprised.
I have to agree with Dunno, crazy glue, under many names, has been used in the medical field for many years and is a great choice for wounds that could scar. I have used it myself, works great.

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