When my DD was little I was at every practice... Of course she was 5 and I was there for all the reasons already listed. I am wanted to make sure she was safe. I am a bit over protective.
But then quickly she moved on to Pre Team, Level 4 and then finally compulsary gymnastics. Staying for 4 hours a night just wasnt feasible.
Now she is in Optional World. She practices 4 days a week, it is not possible for me to watch all of her practices..
Mondays, I coach. Obviously, I cannot coach and watch DD at the same time. That would make some other parents real angry!
Tuesdays & Thursdays, DD does Day Practice. She leaves school for the last 2 periods and goes to gymnastics. I work full time so I cannot stay and watch
Fridays I will watch for a while for a couple of reasons, one - Only Optionals practice on Fridays. Things seem less hectic. Also because I can have a little Alone time, I can choose to sit in a corner or I can talk to other mom's. I work, Have 3 kids, my other DD is a Competitve dancer. It is all I can do to have just a little bit of quiet time at the end of the week!!!
So, I dont think I am too involved when it comes to watching practice. I am at EVERY Meet!!! Every one... this actually became an arguement between my husband and I this year. Our meets are 2 1/2 hours away. For most meets I will just take DD. Occasionally we will get a sitter and DH will come with us, and twice we took the whole family. That is a pain in the behind!
DH wanted to take DD to a meet this past year. It about killed me... I couldnt do it.. is that bad? I told him, I just cannot imagine NOT being there. What if she gets her highest score? What if she makes State? What if she places first? and I am not there to experience it with her? Will she always remember 'the one meet I took 1st on Beam and my Mom wasnt there'?
I know it is important for her to have her Dad there.. I just want to be there too...
Is that Too Involved?
Then question is when can a parent become too involved....
I worry that I am some times. Not, too involved, but if gymnastics is too involved in my DD's Life... And if Gymnastics is all my DD has in life, what have I done to prevent that...