I appreciate your comments and I absolutely did not take any offense. I completely understand what you're saying. But, I do take care to let my DD know that I love her and I am proud of her for many reasons, not just gymnastics. And with her gymnastics, I tell her I'm proud of how well she works and how hard she tries, not for what she can do.
The increased hours (it's actually 11 per week- I made a mistake) just started last week. When she was making us go broke with the cartwheels, she was only a practice 5 hours a week. She does still practice some at home but she's usually outside riding her bike or on the swingset or tampoline, or she's at the kitchen counter with her markers and art supplies. She will be taking swimming lessons this summer (she needs to finish learning to swim whether she wants to or not; safety, you know). We also do frequent "girls days" where she and I go out to lunch or shopping or something. And her favorite thing to do is to cuddle up with me before bedtime and watch "House Hunters" on HGTV (go figure). Trust me, our relationship, and her life, is not all about the gym. I'm very careful about that.
As for doing gymnastics for me, I am absolutely sure that pleasing me is not the case. She wanted to do gym, she has been begging to be on the team since she was 4 years old, and she would live at the gym if we'd let her. When she was 5, she watched a girl do a cool tumbling pass on the floor. DD turned to me, very seriously, and said, "Mom, I have to come every day." She is very driven and determined. She does not like anything (gymnastics, school, learning to ride a bike, etc) get the best of her. She excels because she wants to. We just support her and make sure she's safe and happy. The minute she's not happy anymore, we stop.
Btw, every girl on the L4 team made it to state this past season and the team placed 5th in the state out of 28 teams. Several of the girls also placed individually. Also, my DD is the only 6 yr old at this level. The next youngest girl on her team is 8.