Who has matching training leos?

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I find the whole matching leotard thing odd and the whole colour leotard for each day even weirder and i wouldn't like it to be put in place at my gym. Maybe the matching leotard for one day would be kind of cool if our club colours were not maroon and white and blue (blue isn't bad but we are mainly maroon and white :P ) I really hate the club colours...... but if you want to know what your team mates think why don't you ask them?

except for competition leotards obviously
So you some of you or your DD's wear different leo's while warming up at a meet? I'm a little confused about this. We get to the meet wearing our competition leo's and keep them on the whole time! That would seem wierd to me if you had to change after general warm up ( I may not be thinking this right though) could someone explain?
So you some of you or your DD's wear different leo's while warming up at a meet? I'm a little confused about this. We get to the meet wearing our competition leo's and keep them on the whole time! That would seem wierd to me if you had to change after general warm up ( I may not be thinking this right though) could someone explain?

^^What she said, warm up leos for meet/comp?? confused :S
in some places gymnasts come in team warmup leos, They do a warmup on every event for a set amount of time. Then they change and do march in. after march in they go to their first event do a one toucha nd compete. they do this for every single event. im pretty sure this is how it works, that is what they were talking about having matching training leos for meets.
We have team leos at my gym. We went to a meet last season, and we got leos! We don't wear them to meets only practices, we wear them once a week as a team.
We will be going to the same meet this year, and they are giving leos away again, so we will have 2 team leos. As well as the leos we got at the meet, every June- our gymn has a "fun meet" where each of the rec level classes buy a matching leo and learn a little routine. They have some coaches "judge" them and the get ribbons. It is something fun for them to look foward to. The older competeing girls level 7- up all buy a matching leo and we do a dance with difficult tumbling. So we have hose leos as well. I like wearing team leos to practice.
in some places gymnasts come in team warmup leos, They do a warmup on every event for a set amount of time. Then they change and do march in. after march in they go to their first event do a one toucha nd compete. they do this for every single event. im pretty sure this is how it works, that is what they were talking about having matching training leos for meets.

Yeah, that would make sense for traditional format, where you warmup everything before the meet and then compete everything... not so much for the non-traditional "warmup compete warmup compete" deal.

We just got tank leos with our gym name on them, but we have them just for the heck of it. It's not like we're required to have/wear them. We wear whatever leo we want for practice, and of course we have the matching long sleeve ones for our meets.
yeah my coach was saying that she would use the leo i was wearing yesterday for our warm up leo, but they dont really do that anymore. The higher level girls have their matching regional leos from preivous years what they wear together sometimes.

There was this one month where our fasttrack team planed out themed days for their leos, it was sooo cute to see them all matching. I guess it just made them feel more like a team and bonded. so monday was stripes, tuesday was blue, wednesday was red, friday was something, and saturday was animal print.
They have tank leos that are used for exhibitions, etc. They don't do warm-up leos at meets (at any level). They also get new leos every summer at team camp--if you go to the camp, the leo comes too. Doesn't bother me--but if it wasn't required, I don't know if it's buy it.
That would drive me insane! First, what if that leo isn't clean? I don't want my laundry mandated by the gym! I can just see my daughter crying because I didn't wash the right leo. Also, when I pick up dd 10 minutes early, I do a quick scan and can find her by her leo to see what she is up to.
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