WAG Will judges watch video if they miss something during the routine?

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Happened to my daughter once...both judges missed an element in her routine and reviewed it on my video camera at her coaches' request. It was at a larger meet too. I was surprised it was allowed!
I thought this was new in this year's Rules & Policies (just published), page 37: "At state meets and above, a coach can request a video review by the Meet Referee (if video is available) in the event the inquiry involves the possibility that the judges missed an element that would affect the Start Value." However, looking at last year's R&P, it was there as well. I have never seen it done. Go figure ...

As it says in the Rules & Policies (quoted above), it can only be done at State meets and higher. I would assume that if it was done at an invitational meet, no matter the size, it could/would be a sanction violation.
that's correct. i told you that not all judges are created equal. your best judges judge state and up. i haven't seen it done yet either. usually, if a skill is questioned in the start value, we just tell them they missed it and they change it and that's after the inquiry on start value.
What a smart judge here does is ask that the plants be moved out of the way so they do not obstruct the view, before any routines are competed. As a judge, if it wasn't being done, I would go move it myself.

yes they would move the plants, and then they would give the athlete the benefit of the doubt and move on.

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