Parents Xcel Bronze to Gold

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Aug 16, 2020
Reaction score
My daughter was an Xcel Bronze last year and she was winning all her competitions. This year her coach told us that she could skip Sliver and go straight to Gold since she meets all the requirements, but Gold has more training hours (the normal training hours plus one extra day with the other golds and platinums), and almost all of her friends are only moving to silver (which mean she won’t be doing competitions with them, which she is a little upset about). My daughter and I both think it’s worth it because she will still get to see her friends at practice and it will be a good challenge for her, but I’m just not too sure.
I believe USAG requires competition and score out in silver before moving to gold. Are they planning on a score out meet for her?
There’s not a huge jump from bronze to silver. The lower xcel levels are nice because kids tend to score well. Gold is more difficult, but if she has all the skills, it should be fine. The extra practice time will help, too.
Bronze and silver are very similar in requirements, so it's not a huge jump to skip silver.

It's always hard when social things come into play. Are there any girls within a year or two of her age on the gold team? One thing that you can count on is that this is a sport of attrition and most of these girls will not be her team mates forever. Many who do stay in may also skip levels or repeat. As long as she has peers to have fun with, it should be fine.

Just as an aside, from my daughter's bronze team of 21, only 4 are still competing. Not one of them are in her same level. (In fact, they are in 4 different levels.) The real blow was when her best friend quit, and there weren't any girls her age in her level. She felt pretty adrift for a year and I don't think she would have stuck it out much longer, but new level changes worked things out and it's all good again. :)
My daughter was an Xcel Bronze last year and she was winning all her competitions. This year her coach told us that she could skip Sliver and go straight to Gold since she meets all the requirements, but Gold has more training hours (the normal training hours plus one extra day with the other golds and platinums), and almost all of her friends are only moving to silver (which mean she won’t be doing competitions with them, which she is a little upset about). My daughter and I both think it’s worth it because she will still get to see her friends at practice and it will be a good challenge for her, but I’m just not too sure.
You can’t skip Silver. There is a mobility chart on page 48 of the updated Rules and Policies that her coach can refer to.
if your only hesitation is team mates, I wouldn't worry about that. She'll make new friends on the Gold team and not forget her old team too.
My daughter started on Bronze with a team of 5. 3 quit, my daughter moved to silver and other team mate repeated Bronze. my daughter was then on a team of 8. These girls became her friends too. This year, 6 of those girls quit. one moved to gold and dd is repeating silver. her old bronze teammate has now moved up to silver so her old teammate is her teammate again and she'll have a bunch of new teammates. Its all very much in flux from year to year.

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