Anon Xcel silver or bronze?

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Feb 16, 2022
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(I am asking for a friend from my gymnastics practice - she is not old enough for chalk bucket so I am asking for her….I asked her what I should post and the below is what she messaged me and she wanted me to post this verbatim. Excuse her terrible grammar….)

so im going to try out for xcel pretty soon but im not sure whether I should try out for bronze or silver. my current rec coach says its up to me on what i want to do.. she said i have enough skills for bronze but i might struggle for silver since my form has never been that good even if i can do the skills.

skills i have
aerial cartwheel
front handspring
front walkover
front tuck on tramp or into pit

nothing :-(

literally just kicks and straight jumps

back hip circle
squat on grab high bar
tap swings
half turn dismount

i can’t do a bhs so im kind of worried i wont make silver if i try out for it but i feel like i know too much for bronze. please let me know which i should try out for based on my current skills
I would do silver. I think you have enough floor and bar skills to be successful.
I think you should try out for bronze! It honestly depends on you but in my opinion, if you can't do a handstand on beam or you're struggling to do vault you would probably get better scores if you did bronze and learned new skills when you're about to compete can be stressful but if you have a lot of time before you compete you should do silver. For silver you can do
floor- RO backward roll, fhs step out RO, forward roll forward roll for your first pass and, roundoff, cartwheel backwalkover or fhs for your second pass
beam - handstand or backward roll, split jump, half turn and RO or jump dismount
bars- I think you have the skills for it
vault-round off or fhs over a cube

for bronze
floor-round off backward roll 1st pass or handstand forward roll step out cartwheel/roundoff, second pass can be RO or cartwheel back walkover I think (sry I cant really remember from when I competed bronze)
beam - lunge lever lunge, straight jump tuckjump? pivot turn and handstand dismount
bars- jump to front support or pullover,cast, cast backhip circle, undershoot dismount or cast away?
vault - handstand flat back
anyway I think you could do silver but you would probably do best in bronze!
I think you should try out for bronze! It honestly depends on you but in my opinion, if you can't do a handstand on beam or you're struggling to do vault you would probably get better scores if you did bronze and learned new skills when you're about to compete can be stressful but if you have a lot of time before you compete you should do silver. For silver you can do
floor- RO backward roll, fhs step out RO, forward roll forward roll for your first pass and, roundoff, cartwheel backwalkover or fhs for your second pass
beam - handstand or backward roll, split jump, half turn and RO or jump dismount
bars- I think you have the skills for it
vault-round off or fhs over a cube

for bronze
floor-round off backward roll 1st pass or handstand forward roll step out cartwheel/roundoff, second pass can be RO or cartwheel back walkover I think (sry I cant really remember from when I competed bronze)
beam - lunge lever lunge, straight jump tuckjump? pivot turn and handstand dismount
bars- jump to front support or pullover,cast, cast backhip circle, undershoot dismount or cast away?
vault - handstand flat back
anyway I think you could do silver but you would probably do best in bronze!
Are aerials allowed in bronze? What about backwalkovers? Would a lever on beam suffice for silver?
Are aerials allowed in bronze? What about backwalkovers? Would a lever on beam suffice for silver?
Aerials are not I'm pretty sure, balkwalkovers are allowed in bronze and you would have to do either a handstand or backward roll on beam for silver
When does the competition season start? That should factor in to the decision. I would ask the coach for more guidance.
She needs more on beam to be successful and having a back handspring would also be best. In silver she would currently have low start values on beam and also probably vault. Spend a year in Bronze learning some new skills and cleaning up others.

Things like the backward roll also need to have straight arms to do best.
I agree with those who say bronze. It will give you time to work on your less strong events so you don’t feel as pressured at meets and you can still work on new skills in practice.
I feel like bronze is a good idea. Especially when you have nothing on vault because bronze vault is a handstand flatback and when uptraining in silver it is going to be on the table. You really need that back handspring for silver and start with roundoff backwards roll (floor routine pass for bronze). Really perfect your skills. Its not a good idea to move into a more difficult level if you haven't perfected your skills or they are inconsistent. Bars is amazing though! For bronze you can also do backwalkover connection. Beam you are going to need a split jump and handstand and a dismount preferably a side handstand or roundoff. Pivot turn or half turn on beam as well. Reall work on your skills and try your very best to get more skills on beam and especially vault.

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