My daughter had her first experience with a chiropractor last month, after reoccurring nagging lower back problems.
I have to be honest - I've personally carried reservations about the practice, but admittedly on no solid ground. I was careful not to share this with Steph.
I was in the room with them during the initial exam. While the 'findings' and the descriptions of the resulting problems sounded plausible, the entire experience seemed akin to a well scripted infomercial, considering the barrage of things that were being put out there & the speed at which he moved.
This office had what was described as the latest in technology. This little hand held device that send small reverberations to the spin...displaying on a monitor the misalignment's. He went on to use the same device to make 'adjustments' - where this device basically thumped her at the problem points. Steph basically was giving me this 'I don't get it' look during the procedure...later saying she really didn't feel much.
He did do one manual adjustment on the table, fully stretching one flexed leg fully over the straight leg, on both sides.
On her way out she was taken to a room with a few rolling pin type beds to 'relax' her muscles. After the doc left the room, she asked if she could get off because it was hurting her.
We made the follow-up appointment as instructed and left. The next day she called me crying from school to come pick her up. She was in excruciating pain and couldn't sit down. Steph refuses to go back.
So....I really don't know what to suggest, but you did ask for experiences

. I have a few adult friends that swear by them, going multiple times per month. We could have just chosen poorly I guess.