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  1. Alex Gold

    Coaches Coach Work-Outs for Bars

    Hey all - I'm pretty new in the forum, but it seems like a great community. I'm a decently fit guy (I can lift 70 or 80 pound kids over my head if need be), but I'm struggling with looking at spotting more advanced things for older/heavier kids. I've really just started working out in a...
  2. peginer

    WAG Toe tap in JO5 bars routine

    Sometimes my daughter lightly taps the floor on her second kip during her JO5 bars routine. What is the deduction for this? Thanks in advance!
  3. Mrs. Puma

    WAG Puma Jr wins bars at USAIGC States!!!!

    Ok, full disclosure first...yes USAIGC Bronze is easier than L5 and yes the talent pool is much, much less deep, but I'm still so excited for her!!! This has been such a great move for her. Even though she's not on a "fancy" path, she's enjoying gymnastics, improving and feeling good about...
  4. vans2

    WAG 2 ?s - Bars: straight body & piked flyaway

    Hi CB world! We just finished competing lvl 6 State last weekend. DD did very well (placed 3rd AA)! Here is her bar routine video (9.2 4th place) and I am hoping for a bit of education from experienced parents, coaches, and athletes. #1. My DD does not straddle when doing her kip cast...
  5. M

    Coaches Drill need for double back landings off bars

    Coaches what station drill do you have to help with double back landings off bars to help them open up and push on the ground
  6. Sarah_the_gymnast

    WAG Could you theoretically put the bars close like in the '80s?

    So, my teams "do whatever ya want!" meet is over for this year. I'm sort of known for doing unique and cool skills. Anyway, my coaches were joking about next year putting the bars closer together like in the '80s and doing skills like that. Theoretically, is that still legal? I think it would...
  7. Z

    WAG Gloves on bars - rip prevention?

    I am struggling with rips all the time and just stumbled across a picture of Gabby Jupp. It looks like she is wearing white gloves under her grips at uneven bars. I have never seen that before. Could this be kind of rip prevention? Which type of gloves could you use? The ones she is wearing...
  8. J

    Coaches Question on bars

    If one of my xcel silver gymnasts falls after her back hip circle, is it an extra deduction if I have to spot her pull-over to get her back on the bar?

    Parents Grips for uneven bars

    Hi everyone, my daughter is currently training in Canada, she would be like a level 7 in U.S. The thing is, she is tiny, she is 7 turning on 8 in 3-4 months. Small and light. under 48 inches and around 47 pounds I believe. She is trainging hard at every apparatus but seems...
  10. L

    Parents Bars dismount fear

    My L7 was injured much of last year and I had hoped she would repeat L6 but the gym pushed her forward. As a result it feels like she's never quite prepared for meets. She has consistently had problems with her bars dismount. The first meet she released too late and over rotated and missed her...
  11. e'smum

    WAG level 6 bars dismount question

    so i don't know if my dd has had a growth spurt or what but she is having issues with landing her bars dismount/flyaway. when she first learned this past summer she was doing a tuck flyaway but her coach wanted them to do layout flyaways and she finally got it but had issues with landing it vs...
  12. G

    WAG Is This a Deduction On Bars?

    I dont know why, but recently in practice I have been doing weird squat ons. I have had my squat on for years, not a problem. Now, every few bar routines a will cast to squat on, but i will overshoot it and my feet go past the bar a couple inches, but dont touch. I hold it there a second, then...
  13. Texasmomof3

    WAG Bars deduction question -- level 7

    Dd had a new one this weekend. She she hit her foot on the high bar doing her layout flyaway. So, her coach put his arm out to catch her. She landed it clean, but he did touch her before she saluted. I was told this counts as a fall since the coach touched her. (I don't blame him, he was...
  14. D

    WAG At Home Conditioning for Bars

    OK quick back story. Daughter finishing up L5 in Feb, first L6 meets in March. She is a low hour gymmie. I am looking for what conditioning she can do at home to help bars, specifically getting her kip arms a wee bit straighter (she is close but just a tad bent) and gaining strength for the...
  15. Z

    WAG Level 4 Bars ?

    So, I see on CB frequently that the casts in the L4 bar routine are aupposed to be to horizontal. Can someone explain exactly what that means? Does it mean that the gymnast's whole body has to be above an imaginary line drawn at bar height parallel to the floor? Or they have to have their...
  16. munchkin3

    WAG Level 7 bars

    Does anyone know what the requirement is for the free hip handstand on the high bar? I know there are generally 2 routines, Kip cast HS, FHip, Kip-squat on, jump to HB, Kip cast HS, giant giant FLy away.... And the other, Kip squat on, jump to HB, Kip cast HS, FREE HIP handstand, into giant or...
  17. S

    Parents DD is new level 8. Bars are the enemy.

    DD has always struggled with bars. She just got her pirouette, but its hit or miss. Her confidence is down (as it is at the beginning of every season). Her coach knows she can do it and so do I. How do I get her to realize she can do it, too?
  18. G

    Parents Proper Distance apart of uneven bars

    I am new to this forum and was wondering if there is a recommended distance that the low and high bar are separated according to a gymnast's height. My daughter is 53" and is training to compete level 5. They recently are forcing her to use a bar set that is further apart (height from the...
  19. B

    Parents "push on the bars"

    My DD(10) is known to be very focused in practice and exact with corrections. So...she overthinks things on occasion! Her latest correction to help her giant is to "push on the bars". She doesn't understand how to do this without having something to anchor against - or just how to do it...
  20. S

    Parents level bars scoring

    Can someone tell me what the deduction is for a slight bend in the knees on the pullover? Also, bent elbows on front hip circle? Thanks!