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  1. UnoMas

    Parents Mill circle update!

    A couple weeks ago I posted that my dd "got" her mill circle finally...but I didnt get to see it. Well, apparently she lost it for a couple weeks, because I stayed to watch bars several days in a row and she wasn't able to do it. She even told me she didn't know how to do it anymore after the...
  2. UnoMas

    Parents Victory over the evil mill anyway!

    So, tonight I did not go to practice for the first time in months. Guess what DD did tonight????? Her MILL CIRCLE. By herself!!!! She said she did it 2 times!!! But...I didn't get to see it and I am wondering if she will still have it next week (she does not have gym again till...
  3. S

    Parents Olivia's mill circle...Finally!

    Olivia finally has her mill circle! Luckily she has only competed twice without it! She has her third competition this weekend then one more before states. She was estatic when she finally did it! Her face was priceless! It took her longer to learn this skill than any other so far, so she really...
  4. L

    My dd got her Mill Circle!!

    i just want to share some exciting news!! my dd is is 5 years old and is a beginner level 3 at her gym. they have been working on all kinds of level 3 skills. A few weeks ago she got her bridge kickover on floor and chin pulllover on the bars. Just this past week, she just got her mill...
  5. M

    Anyone have Advice on Front Mill and Front Hip Circle?

    :o I am new to the forum. I was looking for information to help my daughter when I stumbled upon this forum. I am not very literate about blogging or message boards or social websites but I will give it a try. I have a 7 yr. old in her first year of competition. Her first competition is at...
  6. M

    Coaches Help with mill circle

    Hi, my sister sent me a short clip of her daughter doing her mill circle in hopes that I might see what the difference in my dd's mill circle and my niece's. I have no idea the only thing I see is that is different is her hooked leg. Here is some video of my niece doing her mill circle. What is...
  7. M

    Desperate help with mill circle

    Hi, my sister sent me a short clip of her daughter doing her mill circle in hopes that I might see what the difference in my dd's mill circle and my niece's. I have no idea the only thing I see is that is different is her hooked leg. Here is some video of my niece doing her mill circle. What is...
  8. gymmomntc2e6

    Coaches Mill Circle Question

    Hi - There is a girl on DD's L3 team that is really struggling w/ the mill circle. It seems that the main problem is that she just will not rotate her hands. When she comes around the bar the farthest they go is that her fingertips are on the top of the bar - this prevents her from making a...
  9. mariposa

    Parents DD got her mill circle!

    DD is chipping away at the skills she needs to compete this season. She got her mill circle today at the gym (she actually got it at home and I was worried it wouldn't translate to the regular bar, but it did) and since she did it 3 times in a row, she got to ring the gong. It is a thing they...
  10. Gymtastic

    Stride Circle

    Hi! I'm looking for tips on teaching a stride circle. I have told them about taking a big step and lifting themselves up and kicking their front leg and making sure the back leg is pressed against the bar while opening up their chest and kicking the front leg hard just before they fall. I...
  11. Gymtastic

    Sole Circle Dismount

    I have several level 2s in my class who simply CANNOT keep their feet on the bar long enough to execute a sole-circle (straddle, not pike) and this is when their feet actually make it to the bar :) Their feet instantly drop off. I am using the drill where you lower the bar and have them jump...
  12. B

    Parents Front Hip Circle!!!

    DD FINALLY got her front hip circle on bars last night! Woo hoo!!! It's not consistent yet but she can do it. Yea!!!!
  13. gymmomntc2e6

    Parents victory over the evil mill circle

    I know you are all SICK of me whining about the dreaded mill circle and my dd's struggle to get this skill since October. Well, listen to me whine no more :D:D:D:D:D (about mill circles anyway:p). She nailed her mill circle all night at practice !!!!!!!!!!!!! :bars:
  14. M

    which is harder to learn: Front hip of mill circle?

    My daughter is working on both of these skills to try to move up to team and it seems like both of these skills people struggle to learn. Which one was easier for you to learn or for your dd to learn?
  15. M

    Parents Guess who got her back hip circle today:)

    Yes:) Madi:) I couldn't believe it. She was really close on Monday and this morning she had gymnastics today at the new gym. She got evaluated today too but after class but I will talk about that in a second here...So anyway right after gym and before she left to go to a birthday party she...
  16. gymmomntc2e6

    Coaches Front Mill Circle

    Hi - my dd L3 is really struggling w/ the front mill circle. She has been since October. She is sooooo close but yet so far. She makes it all the way around but as soon as she starts to come back up to a position on top of the bar she bends that front leg and drops back. Any suggestions ...
  17. Imat3

    Arm circle on level 4 vault?

    Is the arm circle required on the level 4 vault? Why do some teams do the arm circle and some don't? It seems that the teams who do it, get higher vault scores. Just wondering... Imat3
  18. G

    Parents Shoot Thru & Front Hip Circle

    My daughter is a Level 4, and she is pretty much good on everything but the following: Her front hip circles look good, but the strength is not behind it to make it around. She is almost there, but not quite. Her back hip circle is awesome but not so much with the front. As far as the shoot...
  19. JBS

    Great Intro Front Hip Circle Drill

    I found this one on the Tumbl Trak videos. What a great drill to teach the basic concept of a front hip circle. Don't forget to goto Link Removed. 95Pq4kx0NLE
  20. N

    front hip circle problems

    in the level 5 bar routine, there is a front hip circle. i can do one but i am in a tucked position instead of a piked. and no matter how hard i try to keep my legs straight, it never seams to work. do you have any advice?