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  1. sun

    Coaches Grip finger holes stretched too big/other grips stretching long after 2 weeks

    Normally I just have them add tape to the finger holes until it fits again. This isn't working with one kid, what are some alternatives? I've seen folks use rubber bands, how can I set that up? I'm also having lots of kids report that their grips are stretching out way too fast, like 2 weeks or...
  2. Anonymous Post

    Anon Finger positioning at the bar, rip prevention and tips for giants.

    I always grab the bar with my thumbs above it. Is that dangerous or does it makes things more complicated? I always get rips, maybe because of my thumb being not there with the other fingers (more pressure?). Do you have a tips to get less rips? Or to treat them right? I always have the feeling...
  3. E

    WAG Are finger tips from new grips normal?

    I just got new grips and on my first day of using them/ breaking them in I got a rip on my finger where the finger hole is. I have never had this issue before with my old grips and none of my teammates have before either. Is it normal to get rips from grips, just new grips, or is this a problem...
  4. Mommyo2az

    Parents Recovery after pin placement in finger

    Hello fellow parents! My daughter fractured her pinky (vaulting of all things) and had 2 pins placed last week. Because the fracture was so unstable the pins will be in for 6 weeks! I was looking to see if anyone’s child had the same surgery and what the recovery was like? DD has already...
  5. rosiekat

    MAG enlarging finger holes on grips

    I'm sorry to ask another grips question, but I decided this was better as its own thread. Grips are in, but the finger holes are way too small. (He can't even get the beginning of his fingertip through.) That makes sense, since I guess they need to fit the smallest person and can be enlarged...
  6. G

    WAG Grip finger holes too big

    My fingers always slide out of my grips. I've tried everything, rubber bands hurt and the pit foam always gets lost or falls out. Any suggestions?
  7. K

    WAG Finger injuries from back handspring on beam

    My daughter has been working on bhs on the beam for a few months now and can usually do it quite nicely. She has unfortunately fractured fingers twice in the last 3 months doing this skill. (First time in early December was a fracture of her index finger and the second time happened a couple...
  8. aerials

    WAG Rips on top on finger

    Does my dd need new grips? She keeps on getting a rip on the top of her finger where the grip hole is. I've asked her to talk to her coaches about this but she keeps on "forgetting". ;)
  9. D

    WAG Ginnasta Foam Finger Fits

    Has anybody tried these? Link Removed My Ginnasta finger holes are much to big, as are my teammates. I have been thinking about buying a few of these for my whole team since they are so cheap. Anybody like these? Dislike?
  10. beachgirl

    Parents Grip finger holes too big

    My DD just got her first (and second) pair of grips. I don't know all of the terminology but her coach wants her to have something called a pixie grip that is more narrow with buckles instead of velcro. We measured her hand and ordered from the company her coach wanted us to order from, Frank...
  11. l.c.o

    WAG Grips and 'finger rips'?

    Hi! I have a quick question, and I'm hoping someone here might have some advice. DD, 10, has been in her US Glove double buckle grips for about six months. Just recently, she's noticed that she has a few small abrasions on her middle fingers of one hand. She suspects it's from her grips. I've...
  12. txgal

    WAG Help! Dislocated Middle Finger...

    DD was working FHSO-FHS on floor today and dislocated the middle finger of her left hand! The coach popped it back into place, put a cold compress on it and sent her home with the suggestion of visiting a doctor if the pain and/or swelling is too much for her to handle. It has been several hours...
  13. L

    WAG Finger injury

    I'm curious if anyone has ever dealt with a sprained pinky. What is the recovery time ( I am aware everyone recovers differently, just looking for generalized timeframe)? We have a meet a week from Saturday and state at the end of the month. My DD fell over the weekend and currently has to wear...
  14. lovegymnastics

    WAG Dislocated finger

    Yesterday at practice I dislocated my finger while doing a back tuck on floor. It seems really stupid considering I have been doing them on beam for 2 years. But it was part of our conditioning and my legs were already very tired. We went to the hospital and they put it back. They said 2-3 weeks...
  15. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Easiest way to fit finger holes in grips

    Has anyone used a dremel to make the finger holes in grips slightly larger? I have a few girls who are struggling with the finger hole size. I would think this would be a easy fix. no?!
  16. MaryA

    Parents Hurt finger

    I wasn't sure where was the best place to place to put this question. Certainly, coaches and gymnasts feel free to respond, not just parents. DD is about half way through week 2 of finger and foot recovery. Fracture in one of the foot bones, so foot in a boot for 6 weeks. Dr. didn't see...
  17. 20gymnast13

    WAG finger holes to big on grips

    About a couple weeks ago I bought new grips and I love them. The only problem is the grips finger holes are WAY to big. Now I have to be taping my fingers every time I go on bars or the grips wont stay on. I was looking online and I saw a bunch of things (on here too) about tying a rubber band...
  18. savbug7

    WAG Fractured Finger:(

    so on friday i fractured my finger doing a yurchenko and i will be in a splint for at least 3 weeks:( i was just womderimg if there was anyhtimg i could do to help my bars becase i just bece a level 9 and my bars are week and i cant afford to take 3 weeks off. any ideas to help keep my bars up...
  19. G

    WAG Minor Finger Issue

    OK. I know this sounds really lame, but here is what happened. I was doing tsuk drills onto a mat and fell upside-down backwards on my head and hand. I didn't hear any cracks, though I was paying attention to my head- the floor behind the mats is carpet and concrete. It hurt quite bad and...
  20. livelifetumble8dx

    new grips? finger holes!?

    How tight should the finger grips be..? they kind of hurt my fingers and after i took them off my fingers were swelled up a little bit. they also take forever to get off cause they are stuck on my fingers. Im not sure weather or not to sand them and open them up a bit. I don't wanna open them up...