Does anyone else's husband have an issue with how much time the gym life takes? We have 3 on team. With their training schedule, which of course doesn't coincide yet, volunteer commitments, and now I have thrown my name in the hat for a board position, my husband is furious. It is not...
I very much need to contact My Meet Scores.
I have carefully protected my child's privacy by having her compete under her legal name while she is known in the world by a nickname (call name).
Unfortunately I just noticed that a former gym meet somehow inserted her nickname into her legal name...
I'm a level 4 gymnast. I practice with levels 4 and up. I am the oldest by around 3 years. I'm in a small gym and have always had issues with getting along with teammates. However this year has been the worst. Someday I want to quit or switch gyms. We have one other gym near us but it's not very...
I broke my finger doing a backhand spring I was having issues that particular day and had asked a coach to spot the skill. The skill went wrong and I stabbed my finger into the floor. I have had spotting issues with this coach before and although it wasn't totally he fault I'm nervous about...
Lately there seems to be a significant amount of injuries in our gym due to overuse/overtraining. This is mostly levels 8 and up. Do you think it is just par for the course or could there be some incorrect training in either/or technique and conditioning? We are a very large, competitive...
Hi all - hoping for a bit of advice on leo problem.
A few months back DD chose this great new GK leo at a meet. On first wear she had rub marks around her shoulders and she complained it hurt her. I assumed we had got it a bit too large - oops didn't try it on - she is always a CL size in all...
Hello fellow coaches,
last year I created a group of 5-7 year olds. I started them from the very beginning and it immediatley clicked. They came in eager to learn, progressed fast and in the process learned how to listen, take corrections and how to behave in a group. They knew how to hollow, to...
We have just began our second year as a booster club and it has been nothing but a headache. I have never been part of an organization that has parents who go so far out of their way to make other parents miserable. Our president has worked really hard and we have had very little help or support...
This time last year dd was having such fear of giants we were looking at the possibility of a 3rd year of L5. The fear had already caused her to do a 2nd year of L5. (Our gym doesn't do L6 and requires giants for L7.)
She eventually squeaked out some giants and they let her move to L7 in...
Hi everyone my name is Leia and I am currently training level 9. My issue is that my knee's are extremely knobby, to the point where my legs don't look straight and I get deductions :confused: Also it plays in on every event and even flexibility. Also I am pretty flexible (I have all of my...
My 8 year old daughter is having some issues with her leg that might be down to flexibility, she said that she can feel pulling and tightness at the back of her leg behind her knees, she has decent flexibility and can do left leg splits and and is close to her right leg and box splits, she can...
I coach a rec tramp session with what is generally a very nice bunch of kids. Recently there is a girl who has started pushing the boundaries. It has always been a feature of use club that the coaches have a good rapport with the kids and will make jokes. There is a lot of give and take with...
Hello- new here but hoping for someone with experience or advice. My DD is training L8. She excels at floor and vault. However, bars and beam are more of a challenge. Her coach says she is not being aggressive to get enough repetitions in during the week (hangs out at the chalk bucket a little...
Trying to get some data on injuries and spring floor type (thickness).
How many gymnasts do you have (as a percentage) with lower body issues?
How thick is the foam on your spring floor?
How thick is the deck (wood / fiberglass boards) on your floor?
What brand / type of floor do you have...
My daughter is 12. She has had 2 back to back surgeries which has put a halt to full time gymnastics . She still goes 16 hours and week and conditions and lots of core strength as well as jumps in beam /floor , anything that doesn't use her hands which is where the injuries were .
Shes a level...
We have been having some issues with the site. Looks like we lost a couple of days of posts. Hopefully we are good to go again.
Sorry for all the problems.
I thought I posted this thread earlier but I don't know where it went so I will try to post it again and hopefully it is not a double post. I know this is a pretty public place so If my daughters HC sees it I hope she is not offended. My DD will be a level 7 in 2 weeks. She has been new 6 for...
ChalkBucket went down for a short time yesterday due to a hardware failure. The site was restored to the nearest backup which was a few hours back. Some content that was posted during that time was lost in the shuffle. Sorry for the issue.
My level 5 DD is in mid season now and is still struggling with her squat on. I thought by now she would be hitting it consistently but she is only hitting it about 50% of the time. It's very frustrating because her coach sends her to condition whenever she misses it as if she's doing it on...