My gymmie is 10yo, 51", and 57# and solid muscle. Probably a lot like yours.
Mine eats like a bird. Well, a happy morning bird who likes two bowls of cereal or whole grain pancakes or whole grain egg-infused french toast but then barely pecks at anything much of the rest of the day...
Fast food vs. supplements:
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All this proves is that supplements are processed junk as is fast food. Sure each one gives, carbs, fat and protein but wouldn't real food be an even better choice? Have we completely lost touch with how to create food that nourishes our body?
I guess this is a mostly a question for coaches and judges...
Are you typically satisfied with the food provided for you at meets? When our gym hosts, we provide homemade (but standard American) fare. Is that typical? Would you like to see other options? Paleo/primal? Vegetarian? Vegan...
Hello all,
As time goes on and college gymnastics has become more of a tangible goal for me, I have begun to become more conscious about the importance of my nutrition and how it can affect my gymnastics. I am currently a vegetarian, though I would be willing to change that if it would help with...
I was talking with a friend whose daughter does swimming. She was telling me that her coach is very serious about the girls getting optimal nutrition and outlines for the parents ideal foods for pre and post workout. Our gym has never discussed nutrition with us, so it got me wondering...what...
What are some good foods to eat? I have team camp next week and I need some ideas for food. We have a lunch break for 30 minutes everyday so I have to pack a lunch in the morning so I'd prefer something quick and easy
So my practise are always when most people are eating dinner so I have to eat before I go. So I was wondering what do you guys eat before and after practice?
I'm looking for suggestions for some good snacks/small meals that are healthy, high in protein(not all have to be), and also vegetarian. There's a lot of posts about snacks during gym, but not much on food during the day. I tend to get hungry a lot, and it seems to be hard to find healthy food...
I am a new Gym mum, as in my child started gym at the beginning of term 2 this year. She currently does 9.5hrs a week training. We just received notification that she is progressing to a higher level and her new hours will be 18hrs. She finishes school at 315pm and has to be at gym from...
My daughter just turned 11 and she is competing level 9 this year . Her training hours and conditioning have increased a lot this fall . When I took her to the dr for her 11 year checkup , she has dropped off the charts in weight and the dr thinks she is burning more calories than she is eating...
I want to share with you our experience tonight with the end of summer league swim team banquet, because I think it will help coaches and team moms understand why it's not very nice to REWARD the team for HARD WORK and a great season with stuff that you know or should know that some members...
I'm training for 7/8 right now, and I don't think what i really eat now is keeping me fueled efficiently or healthy. Are there any good diets that will help me feel good and get all nessesary nutrition? Thank you!
Hello everyone! Before I started gymnastics, I never really thought about what I was eating but now I want to have a lot of energy for practice. I do not know anything at all about nutrition so I would really like if someone could help me out on examples of meals (especially breakfast) and also...
A friend and I are transitioning into taking over coaches food for our meets. (We will also be handling concession food.) We'd like to change things up a bit and I'd love to hear what you would like to have at meets as a coach. Most meets are Saturday lunch & dinner and Sunday breakfast, lunch...
My dd hates breakfast. She will drink a carnation instant breakfast drink (full glass of milk- calcium), but it is a major protest for anything else and sometimes a struggle just to do that. She has 4 hour morning practices so this is an issue. I don't want to get into power struggles with...
I have always encourage my DD to eat a high protein snack before her practice. I've told her that it will keep her full longer and will give her longer lasting energy than other foods. However, another gym mom told me that this actually is not correct. She told me that a high protein diet...
I'm supposed to tell my mom what to get me foodwise for the next couple competitions, and I was just wondering, what do you guys normaly bring to competitions. My normal is fruit, nuts, crackers. Stuff like that.