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  1. T

    WAG State Qualifying Score for level 6 2018-2019

    Hey, Could anyone tell me the state qualifying score for level 6 for 2018-2019 in Kansas? Thanks!
  2. L

    Parents No results/scores posted for a compulsory meet... very upset

    We recently had a USAG sanctioned, official meet with levels 3/4/5. Our girls did great, including my DD, who scored a 38.8 AA, unexpected and her highest AA ever... While we got the awards ceremony, and I know my DD’s scores, the hosting gym did not post results anywhere. Not on their website...
  3. M

    Parents National TOPs Scores

    Anyone have an idea of how scores are looking for this year after testing? I know last year's camp cut offs were higher than years before. Any guesses would be appreciated!
  4. MILgymFAM

    Parents Question about scores.

    As far as I am aware, there is not centralized usag repository of scores, correct? So my DD is competing alone without her team at a meet in a different state. She’ll be all duly registered and be a guest gymnast of another team (which she trains with while at boarding school), with their coach...
  5. Ali'sMom

    WAG HOPES Challenge - live scores??

    I've checked myusagym and meetscores, and it doesn't look like they're prepared to post scores. Anywhere else I can look? I know it hasn't started just yet, but I'm hoping someone has information I don't :)
  6. M

    Parents Score that normal?

    Hi all, I am after some advice. My daughter and 2 of her team mates got scratched from an apparatus each at a competion on the weekend. My daughters favourite apparatus is bars and its her strongest. She did her set and looked so happy with it but then the organizers came over and they wouldnt...
  7. Ali'sMom

    WAG Easterns - live scores?

    Does anyone if/where the scores for Easterns will be posted? Thanks!
  8. Ali'sMom

    MAG Region 8 compulsory champs scores??

    Does anyone if/where the results will be shown for the region 8 championships?
  9. T

    WAG Links for JO regionals scores

    USA Gym is doing pretty good job at capturing all the scores: and here are links from mymeetscores: Can't seem to find link for Region 1 though.. anyone know?
  10. M

    WAG Home/score out meet

    Hi, My daughter is 9 and her gym is hosting a in house meet at end of April for just her team to score out of level 4. I am just wondering if judges tend to score more generous for these types of meet. I have heard that they do, but ofcourse I am nervous for my daughter who still doesn't...
  11. G

    WAG Xcel score out of 4/5

    Hello wise gym people. I have been researching myself but thought it may be easier to ask you knowledgeable folks. My daughter is part of an Xcel team. She and her teammates have really progressed and would like to score out of 4 and 5. My question is, we have a home Meet in the fall where...
  12. P

    Parents Should States have a higher qualifying score?

    This is sort of a spinoff of the 100% medals thread. My gymnast is a L6 and qualification for States here is a 30.00. The other night we mentioned States to a friend's Mom. The Mom got really excited and congratulated her on making it to States. This started a conversation with my daughter about...
  13. N

    Parents Mobility scores

    With the new mobility score for L4 go up to 34, I know some may struggle. Does USAG really check on these.
  14. A

    Parents Non Score Related Goals

    Hi! I've read the advice on here to encourage our child to have non score related goals for a meet. I think that's a great idea. My dd has her first travel meet and is hoping to possibly hit the mobility score for Level 4. It will be her first meet competing as a L4. Not sure yet if we will...
  15. S

    WAG when a meet is listed on MMS will they post the scores?

    Wondering if MMS always posts the scores if they've listed the meet. One we were at has not made it's way onto the site yet -wondering if this is a glitch or intentional, and if we should expect it to update at some point, and if so, when?
  16. C

    T&T Meet Scores

    Is a 9.5 a good score for level 5 double mini (first pass)?
  17. LindyHopper

    WAG Top 100 on my meet scores

    So... is it safe to assume that when 10 or 15 of the top 100 scores are from the same meet, that the meet in question is particularly high scoring? Or is it possible that those gymnasts were all (And from various gyms) just that good?
  18. A

    Parents State Qualifying Score IL Level 3

    Does anyone know the State Meet Qualifying Score for Level 3 in the State of IL?
  19. J

    Qualification scores

    Anyone know this year’s Challenge qualification scores please? I thought I saw it was 47 on the BG Website but now can’t find it. TIA
  20. R

    WAG What level scores the easiest/highest?

    Is there a level that has the reputation of scoring the easiest/highest? In looking at scores from the weekend from a huge meet, level 6 scores look way higher overall than 5 or 7.