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  1. F

    Opinions on teammates spotting each other.

    My team is rather small and we have a variety of skill levels. I am one of the tallest/strongest and am often asked by two of my coaches to spot balkwalkovers on beam, kips on bars, fronthandsprings on vault, and other things for the smaller girls. On Friday I was spotting a teammate on...
  2. AlexsGymmyMom

    Fear of Spotting

    My DD has never really liked being spotted doing any skills on the balance beam but now this is carrying over to the bars. The girls were on the strap bar (channel bar) practicing long hang pullovers but Alex just would not go because the coach was there to spot her. She said she would have been...
  3. E

    Coaches Spotting Belts

    We are in the market for some good quality spotting belts. Child Size and H.S. Diver size, as well as a twisting belt. We have two belts we purchased in the last two years. One is holding up quite nicely, the other is already showing seem rippage and we have had to get rid of it. I think our...
  4. gymmom-n-coach

    Spotting during a meet

    I coach L3, and one of my girls is terrified of mill circles. She will do them with a spot only. We've tried a few times without the spot (with 8" mats stacked underneath) - and she drops the leg, drops the chest, and basically just falls under the bar. Plus, she has a tendency to let go. When I...
  5. V

    Coaches Advice for spotting flyaways

    Hi all, I need some tips on flyaway spotting/drills. I am a small coach (5ft) and am in the beginning process of teaching flayways. I know the beginning drills for the skill but I need advice for helping the girls actually flip for the first time. Some of the girls I am teaching are simply just...
  6. M

    Help with spotting.

    Hello! Its Minh Thy again! Anyways.... so of course you know i'm a gymnast, well a lot of my friends like me to teach them things! Again i do teach them the basics first! I can spot almost anything that I can do... but the one thing i cannot spot is a front tuck! I can spot back tucks... but...
  7. M

    Coaches Spotting philosophy - coach error

    I have spoken with a high-level coach recently who told me never to admit to a spotting error to a gymnast. His theory was that absolute trust is needed between the gymnast and the coach. If the gymnast thinks the coach may make a mistake in spotting they may become fearful of anything spotted...
  8. P

    Forceful spotting

    Another coach has just taken on a little gymnast into a lower level competitive stream. Now for some reason this child has developed a fear of rolling over the bar. I know some recreation gymnasts are fearful at first or will flat out refuse to do this skill. My way is to have them chin up...
  9. R

    Coaches Spotting - front limber (eventually front walk over)

    So, Ive been coaching a lot of rec groups lately, and one skill that I never really emphasized (because the kids I used to work with usually just... had them) was front walk overs, or, more basic, front limbers. I use a shoulder spot for back limbers (back bends) to help gymnasts feel how to...
  10. F

    Coaches Spotting technique for a small coach

    I've been co-coaching with a muscular male gymnastics coach who has recently left me to coach the team by myself. As a 5' 2" 125lbs female coach, I can't just pick up the girls and flip them over like he could. A few of the gymnasts are taller and weigh more than I do. Do you know of any good...
  11. S

    Obsessed with spotting

    One of my coaches is obsessed with spotting people! I know she's just trying to make sure we don't get hurt, but sometimes it isn't really spotting, she's just obsessed with touching us on our skills because she thinks we need help but we don't! Vault is one of the worst, she used to touch me...
  12. B

    Coaches spotting

    I want to become a better spotter. I want to spot double flyaways and double backs. How can I learn this? There is no one in my gym that does them, and no one that knows how to spot them.
  13. L

    Coaches Spotting Injury

    I've been working a lot of backhip circles and casts with my advanced recreational girls, and they all need help getting their casts high enough. I've been using the outside of my arm to push their legs while holding on to their shoulder with my other arm...and now it seems I cant move my left...
  14. L

    Coaches Spotting front tucks

    I really hate spotting these, and have decided I need to learn a better way. I have some gymnasts who can do them standing, after a front handspring, and after a robhbt on the tumble track. I hesitate to take it to floor because of my personal dislike of spotting them, I always feel like a...
  15. K

    spotting twisting

    i've started training level 7's the past couple months and i'm ready to have them start working on back halfs. Unfortunately we don't have a pit and I have no experience spotting twisting. Can anyone help me out here by describing it or posting a video??
  16. R

    Coaches Spotting Double Fly Away

    Warning: Question not for the feint of heart. That said... I have a connundrum... At our state meet, my best bar girl pulled in on her double. You can all fill in the blank from there. I reviewed the video over and over... and the best I could do is exactly what I did - I kept...
  17. S

    spotting in gymnastics

    ok so ive been doing gymnastics since i was 7 and there was no one who ever touched me in the wrong place to spot me. i started going to a new gym and all the teachers are guys. none of the guys there accidentally touch my but or my boob except one guy. anyone who does gymnastics - he spotted me...
  18. Robindq

    Coaches teaching/spotting backhandspings.

    I have just started teaching an acro class and 3 of the girls want to learn back handsprings. I coach rec gymnastics but i have never taught or spot (besides girls who know what they're doing) a back handspring before. Two of the girls are definitely ready to learn back handsprings. One girl...
  19. I-Heart-Beam

    Spotting problem!

    So I recently passed my coaching exams yay!! And I got a job as a junior coach in my club although I don't have a team as such- I help the actual coaches and take small groups at a time. I LOVE it- it's just so much fun. But I was helping a group with backhandsprings on beam and one of them...
  20. G

    Spotting on Vaulting & Deductions

    Can anyone tell me if there is a deduction for being spotted on a vault, but not touched? My dd is a Level 8, and does a tsuk. She was not touched by her coach during a recent competion, but the judge told the coack that she deducted for being spotted. I thought only if they were touched would...