1 1/2 at level 8

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I actually think what that particular girl did was a front full...which I think was subsequently allowed but not at that time, I believe.
I actually think what that particular girl did was a front full...which I think was subsequently allowed but not at that time, I believe.

Well front full used to be a D when front layouts were Cs (now front full is a C so still not allowed without deduction) so that seems about right because a D salto would void a level 8 routine that many years ago. I think maybe there was a window where it was allowed, maybe around 2006-2007. Now it's a C and still unallowable, but it would be a 5 tenth deduction. Actually unallowable elements don't void the routine anymore at all I don't think, but they don't get VP credit either, so if it's something like a dismount that usually is a special requirement, it ends up being like a million deductions anyway.

Also, some coaches just don't know the rules even if they are somewhat capable of coaching that level of gymnastics. Or more precisely some also feel they should be able to do what they want when they want to. I had several coaches who had just started coaching in the US that needed guidance from other coaches (but if they were good they took it). I also had a coach who was trying to have me compete a pak salto in level 8 and got in an argument with another coach about it (we're talking same time frame as this incident - D skill, level 8, voided routine then. Even I believed that but I was prepared to compete it with no other real option to say no). Could he technically teach/spot this skill? Sure, those two things were true. Actually, semi true, now I recognize there were some crazy ideas going on but I don't feel I was ever in danger. But there was a LOT going on there. Really not a good situation. He backed down right before the meet and I did pirouette, clear hip hand giants to double back (then allowable but unnecessary).
Learn something new everyday. My bad. Lazy coaching sucks - knowing the rules is something everyone can do, whether you are a gifted coach or not.
i should point out, that with the current rules, if a level 7 were to perform a yurchenko or a level 8 a yurchenko 1/2 or beyond those gymnasts would receive a 0. they're not allowed at those levels.
As a judge, I constantly feel as if I am teaching coaches the rules unfortunately by way of their athletes start values. I never in a million years would have thought some coaches knew so little in terms of rules. I suppose it doesn't really matter how good of a coach they are or what they can teach, the coaches who train safely and know their rules will always get their athletes farther...

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