2nd level 5 meet

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Ok, call me superstitious, but DD did so well at her last meet that I want to make sure I get those fairies coming her way again this saturday. It is early again so I promise I will send them back when we are done.:D Plus, I am packing that wonderful sticky feet water. DD is sold.... hook, line and sinker! She is very excited and has worked very hard the last couple weeks since her last meet. Coach said she finally got her "rhythm" on the beam. She is pleased at herself for that. Thanks in advance and good luck to everyone else who will be competing this weekend!
Good Luck Emma! :):D:) Please send the Good Luck Faires this way as well, my DDs 1st Level 7 meet this Saturday. If she does well this weekend she may even get to compete a couple of Level 7 & 8(same meet) in a couple of months. YIKES:eek: pass the Chalkbucket, my hands and feet are starting to get sweaty for her!!!!!! Cant wait for Saturday morning!
Good Luck Emma! :):D:) Please send the Good Luck Faires this way as well, my DDs 1st Level 7 meet this Saturday. If she does well this weekend she may even get to compete a couple of Level 7 & 8(same meet) in a couple of months. YIKES:eek: pass the Chalkbucket, my hands and feet are starting to get sweaty for her!!!!!! Cant wait for Saturday morning!

Good luck to your DD too!:) We will share all the Good luck fairies! DD floor time is 7:45. Wow, level 7 and 8. I can barely handle level 5. Let us know how she does! Thanks for the good luck wishes and don't forget the "Extra sticky feet water"!
Thanks to everyone for the good luck wishes. This one is an overnighter so we will be heading that way in a bit. Good luck to everyone having meets this weekend. Have fun!:D
We are back from DD's meet. Thank you all for the good luck wishes!
Emma did not have her best meet but she still had a great time. We started on floor and she did ok, not her best routine. The music was way slower then we had at the past meet and what they practice to in our gym. All the girls were stopping at times to let the music catch up. She scored an 8.625 on floor. Then it was off to vault where she splatted into the vault on her first attempt. She did a good job on the second and made a 8.45. Bars was next and she did not do her best but it was still pretty good. She got a 9.10 on bars. So happy to get a blue ribbon! Then last was the dreaded beam. She had her sticky feet water and her "rhythem". She did beautifully in the warm ups. Handstand was vertical, leap was great, and her cartwheel was spot on. Then she waited for her turn and her team mate before her, who also had the "sticky feet" water feel off 3 times! I could tell in my DD"s eyes that she was freaked out. She got up and looked ok, then in her leap she feel off, she got back on, pulled herself together and the routine was looking super, then the cartwheel......she feel off again! Well, having never fallen off the beam in a meet before, she was upset and cried. Which did not make her coach very happy. But what can you do, she is only seven after all. She did score a respectable 7.9 on the beam. Her AA score was 34.075. She is now more determined then ever, but she is also aware that everyone has a bad day and not to let it get you so upset. Anyhow, again thanks for the good wishes!:)
She did well! That is a very respectable score and I am sure she learned a lot at this meet.

This brings up an interesting point about teamates falling, particularly on beam. Sometimes, I've noticed, when one girl starts the pattern, others will follow.

So, I saw an interesting thing at a recent meet. There was one team that did something unusual during their beam rotation. The team was seated near the beam, and cheered for each girl while she competed, but they were seated facing backwards/away from the beam, and were not allowed to watch their teammate compete, and therefore did not know, if she fell off or not.

Interesting way to deal w/ the "fallies", don't you think?!

But I digress. Sounds like your dd does a very nice beam routine, if she can fall off twice an still get such a nice score! :)

Tell her 'good job'! :cool:
Interesting idea.

At DD's last meet one of the girls forgot an element in her beam routine. Guess what happened when DD got up there - yep, she forgot an element as well (not the same one but.......)
Great job! Hope the good things are what she is focusing on now. Sometimes things just happen, and she should be really proud of herself. At our gym the coaches have always made the girls turn their backs to the beam when their teammates are competing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I remember one especially bad meet when out of 11 girls, 9 had a fall on beam. Some of the girls had never fallen before! Lets say the coaches were not real happy that day.
She did well! That is a very respectable score and I am sure she learned a lot at this meet.

This brings up an interesting point about teamates falling, particularly on beam. Sometimes, I've noticed, when one girl starts the pattern, others will follow.

So, I saw an interesting thing at a recent meet. There was one team that did something unusual during their beam rotation. The team was seated near the beam, and cheered for each girl while she competed, but they were seated facing backwards/away from the beam, and were not allowed to watch their teammate compete, and therefore did not know, if she fell off or not.

Interesting way to deal w/ the "fallies", don't you think?!

But I digress. Sounds like your dd does a very nice beam routine, if she can fall off twice an still get such a nice score! :)

Tell her 'good job'! :cool:

Thank you. She is somewhat over it now. She is just mad that she feel off. What a great idea about not watching! I will have to pass that on to her. I think she thought to herself...."whats up with the sticky feet water". I thought it was a pretty good routine....minus the falls.:confused: I just wish the coaches had not got so mad at her for the tears..... I wanted to cry and I wasn't the one who fell off! Anyhow, thanks for the good advice, she will be really over this as soon as she goes to practice tonight. Back in the sadle so to speak.
Great job! Hope the good things are what she is focusing on now. Sometimes things just happen, and she should be really proud of herself. At our gym the coaches have always made the girls turn their backs to the beam when their teammates are competing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I remember one especially bad meet when out of 11 girls, 9 had a fall on beam. Some of the girls had never fallen before! Lets say the coaches were not real happy that day.

Thanks, she is focusing on the good now. It really did not take her long to get over it. Actually it is a good thing for her because having never fallen before at a meet, she needed to face the reality of it all. I would rather it happen during regular season then at States. I do not know if her coaches would let them turn around, but he couldn't really say anything if she just closed her eyes! Great ideas, thank you.
I'm sure her 1st beam fall was upsetting to her(poor little thing:(!), glad she's able to shake off now & look forward to practice today. Chalk it up to experience & move on...that's the right attitude. She did rock on bars didn't she! Congrats to Emma!:bars:

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