Parents 2nd Level 6 meet

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Proud Parent
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Finally got the video up and wanted to share . . . tried something a little different :D ENJOY! LOL

I couldn't figure out what was going on at first. :) What a neat idea. It almost looks they are going off the high bar onto the beam!
LOL! That is so cool looking. I loved vault. Looked like a backhandspring onto the vault.
Neat! I was scared at first and thought, omg what did she just do. LOL.
Wow Level 6 looks even more difficult that way! Very cool though, she's got great poise. Congrats to her on a good meet!!
I love it - somehow some moves look slower and some faster. I think it is how the eye processes familiar moves. So many moves look 'right' backwards. That surprised me. I agree she has lovely poise. Well done (to both of you lol.)
Oh that is so interesting to watch. I loved her vaults and bar mount!!!
That was awesome!! What a cool idea!!! The beam routine actually looked "normal". I love the running backwards leaps!!!
Great job on the video! Now, can we have her do the routines backwards so that applying the same technique can make it look normal again? :)

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