Go to fast and you will spend all your time fixing the fear issue (then your future post could be, "ugh,, flyaway fear, anyone have this problem"? ) In other words, going fast has its negatives, but what you should be asking are these questions. What benefit will my DD have by moving up super young? Answer; She will compete against older girls, and will be the youngest in the age group. Example, I had a child who was a 9 year old level 8 and we were thrilled about it, until,,, we went to state and she got cleaned out by 11 year olds, same thing at regionals.... Next year same story, 10 year old level 9, yay! right? Wrong,.... So the bottom line is so long as you are working on the skills it's irrelevant what level you compete so long as you are competitive, as nothing and I mean NOTHING replaces the drive spawned by success. This is why I get annoyed with people screaming about people holding kids back at a young age,, its very easy to forget that someones DD also needs success even if it means beating yours.