Proud Parent
- Jan 4, 2010
- 313
- 199
Well DD has been dealing with a couple of blocks that may or may not hold her back from competing this year.
While working through them she seems to have started to hold back to the points where it really frustrated the coach last week. She was fine in straps and even on a raised low bar, but when she was up on the high bar it was like she stopped trying.
I could see that as it was very obvious (the difference in form even to my very untrained eye) and then it seemed to carry over to other events.
As a rule we did not talk about gym in the car, but she brought it up and ...Below if the resulting letter to the coach in that regard:
Well here we are a week later and DD is still so anxious that she sent the coaches a text last night asking to go back to her old group. It is still a pre-novice group - just more the entry level not quite as advanced - that is less hours and not with the head coaches.
She sent this around 7pm last night and has not heard anything all night (which made her more anxious) and I am not sure if we will hear anything this morning. I am worried if we don't hear before she will be a wreck before we even get to gym.
I guess my question is; do you think we will hear before we go to gym today? Should I tell her they just want to wait and talk to her when she gets there even though I am not sure? I assume that they have read the text, but maybe not??
I am at a lost as all I really want is for her to find that happy place and love for the sport that seems to have gotten lost in the past little while!
Sorry and thanks for sticking with the novel if you made it this far.
While working through them she seems to have started to hold back to the points where it really frustrated the coach last week. She was fine in straps and even on a raised low bar, but when she was up on the high bar it was like she stopped trying.
I could see that as it was very obvious (the difference in form even to my very untrained eye) and then it seemed to carry over to other events.
As a rule we did not talk about gym in the car, but she brought it up and ...Below if the resulting letter to the coach in that regard:
Let me preface this with an apology as it most likely will be way longer than necessary, but I tend to ramble.......
Further to our conversation today I thought I would fill you in on how the ride home and further conversations went with DD tonight. I have told her to ask to talk to you tomorrow in private, but I doubt she will be able to remember or get it all out on her own; so I am hoping if you have this information it will help clear the air for everyone. Not to mention getting her to talk to me was a marathon and she is shy, scared to tell you both how she is feeling and in some ways she isn't really sure so she can't explain it. I guess that is part of being 8yo and trying to get a handle on it all.
As you know today and this week really has been one of DD's worst - to say the least - and I commend you with the patience you have shown as for me even watching it was very trying. As we have a rule not to discuss gym in the car or unless she requests it I did not bring up today, but she did so I figured I would put what I saw on the table.
I cannot say for sure what incited her to want to talk about gym in the parking lot, but when I reminded her of our rule she said that we were still at gym and she wanted to talk about it. The gist of the discussion was that her performance today seemed to indicate that she did not even want to be there. We talked about various reasons for this and what he felt she wanted. At first she just said that she needed a break and that she just could not get gym out of her mind and even at school it was making her cry. On trying to get her to expand on the why she could not get it out of her mind and why she felt this way I think the biggest thing really is fear. Not just fear of moves, but fear of getting behind or not keeping up, fear of disappointing others, fear of falling behind, fear of others not believing in her as she has a hard time believing in her self. I reminded her that if she felt it was not fear and she just needed to step back that it was okay, but if it was fear that a break would not solve the issue only delay dealing with it. I even asked her if she thought she wanted to quit or go back to previous coach group or a lower level to let her know there are other options as well.
There were tears as I did mention that I felt that if she kept sending the message that she did not want to be there that it would soon not be her decision as she would be asked to take a new path for lack of better words. We talked about how sometimes our actions can say more than our words and that no matter how much your coaches want to help you if you don't want to help yourself or give up then so will they. She said she does not want to quit or go to a different group as she cannot imagine her life without gymnastics and really wants to compete and b all she can be. She still wants to go to the" Olympics" and even though we know that is a stretch on many levels it is a dream that I will support as long as she wants.
Once we got home there were more tears as she was going over everything in her head. As I had told her that no one would be disappointed in her as long as she tries her best, but today that was not the case. She was really worried about come tomorrow if it did not seem like she was trying her best what would happen. Mike wanted to have her and us set up a meeting, but I think that a big part of the hurdle is for her to do this. I explained to her about how the relationship with her coaches is hers alone and in order for you to grow together that she has to let you both in. I tired to tell her how frustrating it must be for someone to try and work with you and understand what you are thinking when all you do is shrug your shoulders at them. How can anyone try and help you if they don;t know what you are feeling where as if you let them know then you can all work on it together.
We took a break on the conversation and I let her chill out and watch "Dance Moms". I could tell that she was still thinking it all over and just let her be in her own thoughts.
After it was over I could see her letting her anxiety getting worked up so I asked her if she thought it would help to write a list about what she was feeling. She thought that was an okay idea and got to writing.
She says she will bring the paper tomorrow for you to see, but in case she doesn't this was it:
- have headache
- scared
- disappointed
- feeling bad
- scared
- shy
- scared of talking to HC1 and HC2
- stressed out
she had started to write "want to take a little....(break was not in there) and then she crossed it out
She gave me this list to read and we went through each point trying to identify the cause and effect of each.
Headaches - result of worrying too much
1st Scared - bars and beam : We talked about the specific moves on each and what is the worst thing that can happen. Falling and getting hurt were mentioned and then she said that led to not being able to do things and falling behinds. Also talked about how getting hurt and bruises etc. don;t last long and they go away...not sure what part was the bigger trigger.
Sad - She was sad about not doing gym....
Disappointed - mostly disappointed in herself for not doing her best and that she can do better
Feeling Bad - letting others down and disappointing coaches
2nd Scared - Coaches will ask her to leave, to want to coach her
Shy - has a hard time knowing and telling what she is feeling, embaressed
Talking to HC1 and HC2 - thinks she needs to be it all now - strong, confident scared to show weakness
Stressed out - all of the above
Upon analyzing the above we deiced this was like a stinky snowball (similar to the ones the make forts with at recess that are filled with goose pooh form the geese) that one thing would just manifest upon another and keep getting bigger. In the end it was creating what she feared most as it was causing her to hold back, not do well and in the end would end up getting her hurt. At least this analogy actually had her laughing!
I then asked her to tell me about as an 8yo what she could do and the list was:
- try her best
- have fun
- be myself
- be truthful
- be happy
- be kind
- don;t doubt herself
I reminded her how she she did all these things that everything else would take care of itself. We called this Nikki and that was who she was and if she remembered these thing and believed in herself that that the "stinky" snowball would eventually go away.
That seemed to make her at peace and then I had to push her to go to bed....11pm on a school night is going to make for a prize in the morning.
So that is it in a nutshell; an 8yo who just needs to find a way to get out of her head. I hope that she does talk to you tomorrow as I really think it will go a long way to getting her to relax and have fun. If that happens the world is her oyster and you won't have the stress you are dealing with now.
I really thank you both for your patience and understanding as I know she can get through it, unfortunately she just worries and thinks way to much for her age.
Well here we are a week later and DD is still so anxious that she sent the coaches a text last night asking to go back to her old group. It is still a pre-novice group - just more the entry level not quite as advanced - that is less hours and not with the head coaches.
She sent this around 7pm last night and has not heard anything all night (which made her more anxious) and I am not sure if we will hear anything this morning. I am worried if we don't hear before she will be a wreck before we even get to gym.
I guess my question is; do you think we will hear before we go to gym today? Should I tell her they just want to wait and talk to her when she gets there even though I am not sure? I assume that they have read the text, but maybe not??
I am at a lost as all I really want is for her to find that happy place and love for the sport that seems to have gotten lost in the past little while!
Sorry and thanks for sticking with the novel if you made it this far.