abs conditioning?

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I have a fairly basic (but IMO good) list of abs conditioning:

- pike-ups on the regular floor
- pike-ups with legs against a wall (feet up, only lifting chest)
- scissor pike-ups (one leg up at a time alternating and bringing chest up every time a leg comes up; this should be done quite fast)
- hollow hold
- rockers (on all four sides)
- front support hold on elbows (toes tucked under; this is a lot harder than it sounds)

Hope this helps.
Great one:
Hold a handstand against the pommel horse (back/bottom against the horse) and have a partner push your shins...in other words TRY and arch the body, the participant must resist this arch...great ab exercise...
Or hold a handstand with the shins against a bar (hands almost directly under the bar), have a partner push on the lower back, again, trying to arch the participant...another good ab exercise...
I have a fairly basic (but IMO good) list of abs conditioning:

- pike-ups on the regular floor
- pike-ups with legs against a wall (feet up, only lifting chest)
- scissor pike-ups (one leg up at a time alternating and bringing chest up every time a leg comes up; this should be done quite fast)
- hollow hold
- rockers (on all four sides)
- front support hold on elbows (toes tucked under; this is a lot harder than it sounds)

Hope this helps.

thanks! many of those i've tried, but a couple of them are new for me. cant wait to try 'em. :]
Leg lift variants, leg lift throwdowns on your back, skin the cats, inverted situps.

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