Parents Alex's First Level 5 Meet Report

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Proud Parent
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
First meet of the level 5 season. I think she did great! She qualified for states. Here are the scores

Floor... 7.1
Vault... 8.1
Bars... 8.65


On floor she twisted her ankle on the hitch kick and then left out the swing 1/2 turn after that completely.
Can anyone let me know what the deduction exactly is for those 2 things? I thought the rest of her routine looked great. Then she was babying her ankle on vault so she did not get a good punch off the board. But I was very proud of her coming back to take 3rd place on bars! So over all a great meet!!!
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WTG Alex, 3rd place on bars!!

Sorry about the ankle twist.
wow..way to go alex! from what we've been seeing so far that is a really great first ever level 5 meet score! level 5 judging is really tough. shes doin great!
Thanks for the replies! I will try to get videos up soon of routines. She has another meet in 3 weeks.
Sounds like a great start to her level 5 season!! If my DD can get similar scores at her first level 5 meet, she will be thrilled. Sending her lots of healing for her ankle! Congrats to her for surviving her first level 5 meet and doing so well!!
Congratulations to Alex on a great first L5 meet. I can't wait to see the video. I'm not sure on the deduction for that turn but I suppose it would be the value of the element, whatever that might be. That turn is such a difficult move for so many girls. My dd never did get it exactly right. Did she not do the hitch kick at all or just not well? I would think the deductions could be as much as a full point or more if she did neither skill. \

Big congrats on qualifying to States!
Congrats to her on making it to State! Hope the ankle is feeling better and heels by her next meet.
Sounds like she did really well, even with the ankle twist.:( I'm sure her scores will just keeping going up!
Congrats on qualifying for state at your first meet, Alex!
That's wonderful (and nice to get that out of the way) :)

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