Parents Anyone else not know what level?

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Proud Parent
Jul 8, 2014
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Since the board has been slow for a while now, I thought I'd throw this out there. :) Does anyone else not know what level your child will be competing at? And are they close to competition season?

It’ll be fine either way, but I wish I knew for planning/travel reasons. I feel bad for my dd too, she’s under a lot of self imposed pressure right now. Trying to come back from injuries.. it’s such a balancing act too. The last thing she wants to do is reinjure self right now so she’s following the PTs advice and easing back. But she’s not the kind of kid that can just immediately get her skills back so the longer she waits the harder it will be. Very frustrating for her!
Since the board has been slow for a while now, I thought I'd throw this out there. :) Does anyone else not know what level your child will be competing at? And are they close to competition season?

It’ll be fine either way, but I wish I knew for planning/travel reasons. I feel bad for my dd too, she’s under a lot of self imposed pressure right now. Trying to come back from injuries.. it’s such a balancing act too. The last thing she wants to do is reinjure self right now so she’s following the PTs advice and easing back. But she’s not the kind of kid that can just immediately get her skills back so the longer she waits the harder it will be. Very frustrating for her!
Many gyms have a hard deadline for this, which can actually make things less frustrating because it makes things really clear. At our gym, it's the end of summer workouts, because we have to know so we can get everyone registered for competitions. We have an in house meet this weekend, and start our season formally mid-January.

That being said, we are Xcel only, and there is a range of skills for each level, so if someone gets a new skill after move up time, they can pretty much always compete it anyway, with a few exceptions based on the code of points. Similarly, if someone needs to step back because of injury or other reason, there are ways to stay in a level while meeting requirements in a different way. I have really grown to appreciate the flexibility of Xcel in the 4 years I've been coaching at this gym.
Wow, I can't imagine how much stress that has to put on your DD! Personally, I'm a planner. My DD's gym assigns levels by the end of summer (August) for scheduling and meet registration purposes. Not knowing by this point of the year would drive me nuts, but this definitely sounds like her recovery has figured into this situation. But wouldn't the gym need to have her assigned to a level for meet registration? Do they plan to have her compete?
Wow, I can't imagine how much stress that has to put on your DD! Personally, I'm a planner. My DD's gym assigns levels by the end of summer (August) for scheduling and meet registration purposes. Not knowing by this point of the year would drive me nuts, but this definitely sounds like her recovery has figured into this situation. But wouldn't the gym need to have her assigned to a level for meet registration? Do they plan to have her compete?
She is registered as a level 10 as she was on track for level 10 until she was injured in late June. She was back to mostly full training by mid September, but then got hurt again at the end of October. I don't know what's going to happen at this point. I think the coaches are trying to give her every opportunity, but time is running out for sure. Mock meet is in <3 weeks and the first meet is mid January. One of her teammates who is very close to the same age and was going to compete level 9 this season, just retired (I'm pretty sure she was registered for the meets and it was past refund date), so I would guess if she had to go back to 9, they would be able to use that spot. Not sure though. I haven't talked to her coaches in months or asked the plan (trying to let my dd "own her journey" plus I don't want to contribute to the pressure on her). I just want to know, mainly for travel purposes. I've asked her if she thinks she'll be competing *something* as some level and she said yes. And I was just about to stop looking for a hotel for her first meet as I was kind of hoping not to have to make the 11 hour drive and spend the crazy amount of money hotels in that area are charging. lol
She is registered as a level 10 as she was on track for level 10 until she was injured in late June. She was back to mostly full training by mid September, but then got hurt again at the end of October. I don't know what's going to happen at this point. I think the coaches are trying to give her every opportunity, but time is running out for sure. Mock meet is in <3 weeks and the first meet is mid January. One of her teammates who is very close to the same age and was going to compete level 9 this season, just retired (I'm pretty sure she was registered for the meets and it was past refund date), so I would guess if she had to go back to 9, they would be able to use that spot. Not sure though. I haven't talked to her coaches in months or asked the plan (trying to let my dd "own her journey" plus I don't want to contribute to the pressure on her). I just want to know, mainly for travel purposes. I've asked her if she thinks she'll be competing *something* as some level and she said yes. And I was just about to stop looking for a hotel for her first meet as I was kind of hoping not to have to make the 11 hour drive and spend the crazy amount of money hotels in that area are charging. lol
Is it also on the table to perhaps compete less events at the beginning of the season and add them back in as she's ready?
Is it also on the table to perhaps compete less events at the beginning of the season and add them back in as she's ready?
Absolutely. In fact, I think regardless of level, she will not be competing floor at the beginning of the season. It's a struggle for her in the best of times and she isn't ready for level 9 or 10 floor at this point. I think it's really just a wait and see what she can do by mock meet type of situation right now as far as what level she'll compete. I don't blame anyone for the uncertainty for sure, it's just bad luck and bad timing. So I was curious if anyone else is in this in between space..
Is she registered for meets? You can log in and see what level they have her registered as. We found out officially in October, but I was able to log in before that and at least tentatively see what level she was registered as. We start competing in January.
Is she registered for meets? You can log in and see what level they have her registered as. We found out officially in October, but I was able to log in before that and at least tentatively see what level she was registered as. We start competing in January.
Yes, I know what she's registered for.. just don't know if she'll actually be able to compete at that level because of injury. :) I think it will all come down to the mock meet in 3 weeks.
If she's registered as a 10 in some meets she may not be able to change that. Maybe she should compete 10 with slightly watered-down routines - not a 10.0 sv. Not all gyms are so hard about deciding what level gymnasts are competing before season.
My 8yr old has all her level 7 skills but I'm very hesitant for her to be competing them mainly due to her age. She did 6 at a recent in-house and will be competing 6 at a home-meet next weekend. She is registered as a 6 for the next away meet but I think will do 7 for all the meets onwards from there... depends how she does next weekend.
Can she discuss with her coach some goals for the first half of the season so she knows what she's working towards?
She is registered as a level 10 as she was on track for level 10 until she was injured in late June. She was back to mostly full training by mid September, but then got hurt again at the end of October. I don't know what's going to happen at this point. I think the coaches are trying to give her every opportunity, but time is running out for sure. Mock meet is in <3 weeks and the first meet is mid January. One of her teammates who is very close to the same age and was going to compete level 9 this season, just retired (I'm pretty sure she was registered for the meets and it was past refund date), so I would guess if she had to go back to 9, they would be able to use that spot. Not sure though. I haven't talked to her coaches in months or asked the plan (trying to let my dd "own her journey" plus I don't want to contribute to the pressure on her). I just want to know, mainly for travel purposes. I've asked her if she thinks she'll be competing *something* as some level and she said yes. And I was just about to stop looking for a hotel for her first meet as I was kind of hoping not to have to make the 11 hour drive and spend the crazy amount of money hotels in that area are charging. lol
I'm going to send you a PM. I haven't been on here in a long time. We are in a very similar situation. My older daughter has some health issues and tons of injuries, and has been having lots of crying episodes. I don't care what level she does either. I just want her to be happy!
I'm going to send you a PM. I haven't been on here in a long time. We are in a very similar situation. My older daughter has some health issues and tons of injuries, and has been having lots of crying episodes. I don't care what level she does either. I just want her to be happy!
I just replied. :)
I’m a bit confused by men’s levels this year. He hasn’t competed this year others from his team did. I checked scores to see how our team did and they were divided into Jr/Sr A/B. Last year, scores would be reported like Level 10-16 years. Now it’s Level 10 Jr A or Level 10 Sr B, or any permutation of the above. No idea what these mean. My son is practicing and may or r may not compete, and not until Feb until he does, so i dont even know if he knows what level he is.
I’m a bit confused by men’s levels this year. He hasn’t competed this year others from his team did. I checked scores to see how our team did and they were divided into Jr/Sr A/B. Last year, scores would be reported like Level 10-16 years. Now it’s Level 10 Jr A or Level 10 Sr B, or any permutation of the above. No idea what these mean. My son is practicing and may or r may not compete, and not until Feb until he does, so i dont even know if he knows what level he is.

Those aren't the levels, but just the way the meet chose to divide them up.
Is she registered for meets? You can log in and see what level they have her registered as. We found out officially in October, but I was able to log in before that and at least tentatively see what level she was registered as. We start competing in January.
I had no idea you could log in and see this!

I know my DD is borderline - competed 7 last year, ready for 8 maybe 9. I know she will start at 8 to get a qualifying score. But there is one meet where the 6-8s are going to one meet and 9-10 to a different one. I have been curious which one they registered her to go to — I was trying to be patient about asking (We don’t pay individual meet registration fees — they are just part of our overall fees).

Turns out she is registered for both (one at 8 and one at 9). Both have refund deadlines in early January — so I’m guessing they are waiting as long as they can to decide.

My guess is that she won’t quite me ready for level 9 by then, but we will see.
In a similar situation with levels 7/8 I think she will be ready for 8 by the end of the season and 8 was the goal but I told my kiddo if she wants to do 7 thats fine with me. Luckily all the meets we are doing all the 7-10s are doing so she does have some flexibility. I think we will do our inhouse meet but we may skip it or do 2-3 events we will see. I just dont think beam will be ready this month. Luckily the rest of the meets dont start till February so we have some time to get there but ultimately gonna let the kiddo decide and the gym is ok with that as well.
DD1 waxes and wanes with mental blocks on L8 skills on beam. We haven’t had our inner squad meet yet, it’s next weekend, so she is going to see how that goes. If her beam scores aren’t where she wants them to be, she will compete 7 this season and continue to practice up skills.
DD2 has to score out of L4 and L5 in order to do 6 this year. She should be fine, but if she can’t score out during our Innersquad meet, she will do XCEL Platinum. She did XCEL Gold last year and was AA champ for her age group at many meets and had mostly L4/5/6 skills. Some of her friends are repeating Gold but they moved her to optionals this summer and she has worked so hard to have all of the necessary skills, including a Yurchenko entry for vault so I’m hoping that she does OK.
I had no idea you could log in and see this!

I know my DD is borderline - competed 7 last year, ready for 8 maybe 9. I know she will start at 8 to get a qualifying score. But there is one meet where the 6-8s are going to one meet and 9-10 to a different one. I have been curious which one they registered her to go to — I was trying to be patient about asking (We don’t pay individual meet registration fees — they are just part of our overall fees).

Turns out she is registered for both (one at 8 and one at 9). Both have refund deadlines in early January — so I’m guessing they are waiting as long as they can to decide.

My guess is that she won’t quite me ready for level 9 by then, but we will see.
That was smart of your coaches! I think most of the meets I think we're going to are already past refund dates. Good luck to your daughter!
In a similar situation with levels 7/8 I think she will be ready for 8 by the end of the season and 8 was the goal but I told my kiddo if she wants to do 7 thats fine with me. Luckily all the meets we are doing all the 7-10s are doing so she does have some flexibility. I think we will do our inhouse meet but we may skip it or do 2-3 events we will see. I just dont think beam will be ready this month. Luckily the rest of the meets dont start till February so we have some time to get there but ultimately gonna let the kiddo decide and the gym is ok with that as well.
Sounds like a good plan. Good luck to your daughter!
DD1 waxes and wanes with mental blocks on L8 skills on beam. We haven’t had our inner squad meet yet, it’s next weekend, so she is going to see how that goes. If her beam scores aren’t where she wants them to be, she will compete 7 this season and continue to practice up skills.
DD2 has to score out of L4 and L5 in order to do 6 this year. She should be fine, but if she can’t score out during our Innersquad meet, she will do XCEL Platinum. She did XCEL Gold last year and was AA champ for her age group at many meets and had mostly L4/5/6 skills. Some of her friends are repeating Gold but they moved her to optionals this summer and she has worked so hard to have all of the necessary skills, including a Yurchenko entry for vault so I’m hoping that she does OK.
Sounds like the gym is flexible which is nice. Good luck to them both!
Finally met with the coaches this week. They gave her the option of repeating 9 or moving to 10, but knowing it’s not going to be a great year and she may not compete more than a couple of events. She chose 10. I’m just hoping now that she’ll be ready on at least 2 events in a month.

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