WAG Anyone ever seen a 10.0?

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LMAO that was awesome. Reminds me of tonight (tangent alert): I caught the end of beam..."Nice bhs," I told my child in the car. "MOM, it's a flip-flop."
Just when I thought I read the book, they changed the damn edition...
The technical term is flic-flac. Throw that term out in conversation , I'm sure that's what she meant. It's def not a flip flop!
It's definitely not Texas, we are pretty strict on scoring here. It's more common in areas around Colorado, Georgia, and New York from what I've seen.
Meant to comment on this earlier--no, not Georgia. GA is tight with scores. Like I said, in 11 years I never saw a ten, and I don't remember hearing of more than 1.
I had a student who moved from Georgia and her parents showed me some of her routines and she was scoring a good half a point higher than she would in Texas with those routines.
I think it is funny how everyone thinks that their state scores harder or more difficult :) I have seen our girls score higher out of state, and our boys definitely score higher out of state! I know my ds scored 2 full points higher on his pbar routines out of state than he did in state. and our girls AA goes up out of state. But I think that is because they are at large invitationals and I think those do tend to score a bit easier.

Maybe that is why everyone thinks their state scores harder. Who knows. And it is hard to score a video, versus being there, imo. I know a lot of judges, and a lot from our state judge nationally (and some internationally). I am sure every state has those. And when they reach that level, they are not "being easy"
I think it is funny how everyone thinks that their state scores harder or more difficult :) I have seen our girls score higher out of state, and our boys definitely score higher out of state! I know my ds scored 2 full points higher on his pbar routines out of state than he did in state. and our girls AA goes up out of state. But I think that is because they are at large invitationals and I think those do tend to score a bit easier.

Maybe that is why everyone thinks their state scores harder. Who knows. And it is hard to score a video, versus being there, imo. I know a lot of judges, and a lot from our state judge nationally (and some internationally). I am sure every state has those. And when they reach that level, they are not "being easy"

I'm just the opposite, and just became that way after regionals! Dd scored 37.6 at state but only 36.45 at regionals. So, not sure if our state judges were easy or the regional judges were hard, or both! ;)
I had a student who moved from Georgia and her parents showed me some of her routines and she was scoring a good half a point higher than she would in Texas with those routines.
I swear everyone thinks their state is the hardest...my friend in Cali would bet a lot of money on it...I do hear California is tight, but heck....every state is tight at some point with scores.
And it is VERY hard to score a video, I agree! :)
Still new to this whole world, so forgive me if this is naive. But someone mentioned to me that it also mattered some when the meet was in the season - I think the point being that earlier season meets tend to be more generous with scoring. I do know that was true with DS' meets - for example, he got a perfect score on a high bar routine at his first meet that was excellent but not perfect, but got 0.2 lower at the last meet when he performed it far better. (He was 1st place both times, and towards the end of rotation both meets, so I don't think that was probably a factor. I also can't swear to it, but I *think* it was the same judge both times. Just one judge, only L4.) So, not to digress, but do y'all see the timing of the meet as a factor in how high scores will go?
I swear everyone thinks their state is the hardest...my friend in Cali would bet a lot of money on it...I do hear California is tight, but heck....every state is tight at some point with scores.

I don't...not at all. But I've been to meets at states that were both easier or harder. I'd say somewhere in the middle towards the higher side. To me the issue with my state isn't so much the scoring on average but that for some reason at states the scores are inexplicably high. So I'm calculating that into my assessment of us being on the higher side. During the regular season invitationals I would say scoring is pretty accurate.

Clear across the country I would agree NorCal and SoCal are lower than I would expect. I've found TN and GA to be on par with what I generally expect in the southeast, not necessarily higher but just whatever. I think TX is a very competitive state for compulsories and also a huge state. I don't think the high scores in the DFW area are indicative of over scoring but more of the saturation of good gyms in that area. And along with that comes good and experienced judges who are more,likely to follow USAG national events and updates, attend congress, etc. there are other areas in TX where this is less true. It's hard to compare apples and oranges with the states that are so large they have to split their compulsory programs into multiple regions (i.e. TX, CA, NY, PA).
I'm just the opposite, and just became that way after regionals! Dd scored 37.6 at state but only 36.45 at regionals. So, not sure if our state judges were easy or the regional judges were hard, or both! ;)

I think I remember you saying you are in region 8. L7, right? That was NC which always has lower scores than the rest of the region. Though we were in FL for Regionals and I found the scores lower across the board than usual. Maybe just trying to be more even across the region?
I think I remember you saying you are in region 8. L7, right? That was NC which always has lower scores than the rest of the region. Though we were in FL for Regionals and I found the scores lower across the board than usual. Maybe just trying to be more even across the region?

Yes, lv 7, region 8.

Maybe that's the case, who knows! I was surprised, It was eye opening for sure. :)
Rhythm of mount
Lever in and out of cartwheel
Scale not held for 2s
Lock after leap not completely in
Lever in and out of HS
Not holding HS for 1s
Wobble on HS
Lock step after HS not completely in
Not marking the 1/2 turn after finishing
Not levering into dismount

She also has a posture issue throughout the entire routine. If this routine was done in Texas, she would be lucky to break 9.0 IMO.

Would you deduct for the leg line and foot extension throughout? because this is what stood out to me. Right from the start poor foot extension in one part of the mount and the leg line is not exceptional and every time she kicks/lifts her leg it looks slightly bent. What are the JO deductions?
I'd say somewhere in the middle towards the higher side. To me the issue with my state isn't so much the scoring on average but that for some reason at states the scores are inexplicably high.
Do you think this is true for both optionals and compulsories in the state? And do you think it has gotten worse the last few years? State scores have always felt a little higher, but it seems much worse now -- especially when I look at lower level scores. I thought it was due to the recent changes in routines, but the vault scores at the recent level 6/7 meet stunned me.

Although I agree that there seem to be big jumps in state meet scores, our optionals (in particular 8 - 10s) compete throughout the region (during the season and regionals), and I haven't seen big differences in the scoring (exception is probably MD -- a little tougher scoring there). So not sure it's a big issue for optionals (there seems to be one event each year that gets "easy" judges, but the scores generally make sense based on other meets).

I am curious on how this could impact meet selection Should coaches look to go to higher scoring meets and states in order to create a good record for gymnasts? Should our coaches look to go out of the state more at the compulsory levels in order to get a more realistic view of performance (optionals already travel throughout the region)?

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