Do you think this is true for both optionals and compulsories in the state? And do you think it has gotten worse the last few years? State scores have always felt a little higher, but it seems much worse now -- especially when I look at lower level scores. I thought it was due to the recent changes in routines, but the vault scores at the recent level 6/7 meet stunned me.
Although I agree that there seem to be big jumps in state meet scores, our optionals (in particular 8 - 10s) compete throughout the region (during the season and regionals), and I haven't seen big differences in the scoring (exception is probably MD -- a little tougher scoring there). So not sure it's a big issue for optionals (there seems to be one event each year that gets "easy" judges, but the scores generally make sense based on other meets).
I am curious on how this could impact meet selection Should coaches look to go to higher scoring meets and states in order to create a good record for gymnasts? Should our coaches look to go out of the state more at the compulsory levels in order to get a more realistic view of performance (optionals already travel throughout the region)?