Parents Anyone have size Child Large Leos they dont need?

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I guess she needs to explain how she raises funds by accepting donated leos and donating them to needy gymnasts. Her post clearly says they make money, but does not say how.

The only thing I have been told by members is that leos are charged for, not free. Though one member says she got leos for free. Another me,ber says she came here and gave us a piece of her mind. Maybe someone can explain the system to clear up all misunderstandings, much better all around I think.

She is clearly unhappy with the CB, but I am not sure we can fix that.

ETA. Just to add that nobody here said Leftover Leos is "stealing leos" as she says n her FB post. I think people are confused by the donated leos being sold on. On the FB it says that a gym is selling Leftover Leos in their pro shop. I think that this is where things become unclear.
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I don't recall anyone on CB saying that leftover Leo's steals.
I give away Leo's all the time but I wouldn't give Leo's to this woman EVER

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I sent a message to the site asking her not to lie about us and questioning the money flow. She annoys me!
This thread struck my curiosity. I read pineapple's post a few times. But I still cannot figure out how that post started such a controversy.

Nonetheless, FYI, the "owner" of leftover Leos is of college age, which may explain her immaturity. She still competes as a gymnast at a club sport. This club sport was just started in 2010. Just trying to piece things together, leftover Leos could be a means to an end for this newly formed team of 14 students. I don't know if they legitimately have a properly formed, registered and organized non-profit 501(c)3 (and honestly I don't need nor have any interest/business ascertaining its legitimacy) organization. The only thing I find questionable is if she is fooling people into believing their Leo contributions is a statewide or even nationwide effort to help needy families, when in fact the reality is to raise funds for their newly formed group.

But honestly, this young lady seems pretty clever in devicing ways to support her team. NOTE I am just guessing. Her name is listed on the FB left over leo website and if you google it you'll even see her FB page and scores of a meet she competed, not to mention gymnadtike has a video of her competing a vault. I think it was just all a misunderstanding. Like I said, she is young. Maybe she's also hiding something and pineapple lumps post struck a chord. Who knows.

Moderator, if I am out of line in this post or offer too much information or even causing this young lady any future problems, please delete my post. It is 1 am, and I may not be fully aware of the consequences of my post.
I guess she needs to explain how she raises funds by accepting donated leos and donating them to needy gymnasts. Her post clearly says they make money, but does not say how.

The only thing I have been told by members is that leos are charged for, not free. Though one member says she got leos for free. Another me,ber says she came here and gave us a piece of her mind. Maybe someone can explain the system to clear up all misunderstandings, much better all around I think.

Ok. They charge $16.50 per leotard... but ONLY if you can afford it. They are a charity and are willing to work with you on pricing. They want to get a "real" website set up, but they don't have the extra money to set it up the way it would need to be. When a gym donates leotards to the project, they get "credits" toward the purchase of leotards... which they could choose to end up selling in their pro shops, I guess. Hope that clarifies a little.
I do consider myself a very trusting person, some might even say gullible. I too contacted Jenn believing this charity is legitimate. I even involved DDs gym by forwarding her flyers. Please someone with truth enlighten me or validate my actions. I just need to be sure what I did was for the good of children in dire need. Thank you in advance.
Yes, the new thread says that CB was under the impression that they "stole" leotards. However, in the same post, it makes it pretty clear that this is a fundraiser for their gym. Imagine if CB became a forum or everyone's gym fundraisers!

Now that that's out of the way, who wants to buy a Yankee Candle? No? Coupon book? Anyone? Anyone?
Ok. They charge $16.50 per leotard... but ONLY if you can afford it. They are a charity and are willing to work with you on pricing. They want to get a "real" website set up, but they don't have the extra money to set it up the way it would need to be. When a gym donates leotards to the project, they get "credits" toward the purchase of leotards... which they could choose to end up selling in their pro shops, I guess. Hope that clarifies a little.

So gyms donate leotards and get credits which they can use to buy leotards back to sell in their gym shops? WHAT!!!!!!!

That makes no sense at all.

And the money paid goes to the girl herself and her team is that right for 'expenses'? That is crazy if it is right.

Let me guess they are now asking people to help them set up their 'charity' website .................
I do consider myself a very trusting person, some might even say gullible. I too contacted Jenn believing this charity is legitimate. I even involved DDs gym by forwarding her flyers. Please someone with truth enlighten me or validate my actions. I just need to be sure what I did was for the good of children in dire need. Thank you in advance.

I would like to know too. Hope someone can help.
I am not sure why we need the middle man 'left over leotards'. If you want to give to charity, sell your old leotards on Ebay/whatever for a cheap price and then donate the money to a charity that gives underprivileged children the basic necessities of life... rather than one which give free leotards to 4 yo who's parents can find money for privates but want to pay the plan leotard price for a brand name leotard by begging on a forum each year.
I went through all the old posts and the number of leotards they've gotten donated is insane!

The "leotard credits" thing seems ridiculous. Why would each gym just keep the leos and sell them in their own pro shop? And the fact that all of this is being done to support their own gym infuriates the heck out of me.

They were at congress last year. Wonder if they will be there again this year. If so can someone who's going please get a legitimate explanation for all this?

And Pineapple is right... If you can afford privates for your 4 year old but not a couple practice leos, you're doing it wrong.

Oh and FYI Congress, if it's in your area is another place to get cheap leos. You have to be the early bird with some vendors but others bring tons of cheap leos. For those in region 1 (not sure if they go to national congress) Illusions is a company out of Campbell and they always have tubs of leotards for less than $15. Ozone last year had a bunch for less than $20 too at national congress.
This whole situation is so fishy!! First owning a leotard business i have had one person repeatedly contact me asking me to donate Leo's to a child who couldn't afford gymnastics. I have had to decline as I make Leo's to order do I don't have "extras".thought that was fishy and sort of agree with others about the cost of competing when you can't afford a Leo. Heck walmart had some leos for 8.98.

Then I heard about the left over Leo's. thought it sounded like a good thing. Asked some people I know about it and almost everyone said they had only heard negative things. I am shocked that they charge 16.50 for used Leo's I make custom new Leo's for less then that. I too would like a clear picture of this company as it seems like something does t add up.

Oh and FYI Congress, if it's in your area is another place to get cheap leos. You have to be the early bird with some vendors but others bring tons of cheap leos. For those in region 1 (not sure if they go to national congress) Illusions is a company out of Campbell and they always have tubs of leotards for less than $15. Ozone last year had a bunch for less than $20 too at national congress.

I wish parents were allowed at congress it seems like a great experience. My daughter is going but I have to drop her off and she'll be with her coach all day. Maybe I should send her with some money- I didn't realize they sell products there!

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Skadoodle -

Non-USAG members can go to the exhibit (vendor) area of Congress. They offer day passes for usually less than $10. You cannot go to the lectures unless you are a member and pay the registration.
All the posts on the FB page have got me thinking. Who is the chairity that Leftover Leos donates to? They say they sell the donated leos to "needy families" and that the money goes for various things including overheads and charity. Where does the actual money made go? I am sure people who donate leos would like to know who they and helping and how. Are they actually helping poor families or are they helping a gym, or a gym team or an individual? How does this work using the whole 501 thing? Maybe I just need enlightening, but this could never fly in Canada as the tax system simply would not allow it.
All the posts on the FB page have got me thinking. Who is the chairity that Leftover Leos donates to? They say they sell the donated leos to "needy families" and that the money goes for various things including overheads and charity. Where does the actual money made go? I am sure people who donate leos would like to know who they and helping and how. Are they actually helping poor families or are they helping a gym, or a gym team or an individual? How does this work using the whole 501 thing? Maybe I just need enlightening, but this could never fly in Canada as the tax system simply would not allow it.

Sellingdonated Leo's, then using the $$ generated for "scholarships" to assist families in need with fees for rec classes might be a good idea. There are similar public programs here for families on social assistance to promote healthy activity for kids. Also larger companies have programs specifically geared toward hockey, soccer, etc.

I agree with whomever said previously that if you can afford competitive fees, you can afford a couple of 20-30 dollar Leo's a year.
I think selling leos to help kids do gym is a fabulous idea. But this could easily be done in individual gyms without wasting money on postage and overheads etc etc. It also would not need to be a charity to do that. I still cannot work out how the LOL (interesting initials eh?) system works and who benefits from the money raised. Hoping that question gets answered.
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My impression was that their "charity" is their very own 501c3... Their team booster club or whatever. Is selling used leos a good way to make some money for the booster club? Sure! Gyms do it all the time. Should it give them special status above and beyond everyone else's booster club fundraisers? I don't think so. I have a pile of leos ready to sell at our used leo sale next month, but I don't plan on asking more than $10 for any of them. The pile would have been bigger except that a friend's husband was downsized earlier this year (has since found a new job) just as her daughter was growing out of all her leos, so she got all the ones I could find back then. Charity begins at home. Leos that my DD has gotten passed down to her from "big girls" on the team are often the ones that are most special to her!
I am going to speak up, possibly out myself but oh well. :)

I saw the original post on CB last week. I thought, wow, great idea. I just happen to have a huge box of leos that was sitting in my office just waiting for me to find something to do with them. I contacted them and asked for their address. I will admit that I did not do much research and I truly believed they were giving the leos to those in need. When she got back to me with the address she did ask me if I needed a receipt. That was the only communication that we had.

I saw the posts on FB yesterday and quite frankly I felt like I, along with others who have donated were mislead. Luckily I had given the box to my husband to mail and in typical male fashion it was still in his car. :) I am no longer sending them the leos. I did contact them and tell them that and also why I was no longer donating. I felt their posts about CB were out of line and I can't be invloved with any group that lies, or attacks another group for the benefit of themselves.

I don't want or need to make money from my Dd's leos, if I did I would sell them myself. I really did just wanted to give them to someone who could use them. I certainly do not want to help another gym/club make money for their program. Sorry if that sounds harsh. Lesson learned, for now on I will research before I send any "Charity" a donation.
But why isn't that clear on her page. Why would people, and gyms, donate leos to be sold to pay for someone else's gym? More than that she implies that the leos are go to needy kids. If that is not the case people should just help in their own gyms.

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