I wonder how much the employee(s) of this organization pay themselves? That could explain why it costs $16.50 to get a free leotard. I believe that even 501c3 non-profits are allowed to hire, and pay, employees and their board of directors.
I also agree with several previous posters that it is possible to find new, quality leotards at or below this price. A couple that come to mind are Melody, that had a $5 grab bag a year ago or so; and Dreamlight that just had a 20 Leo's for $100 ($5/Leo) grab bag.
I also agree with several previous posters that it is possible to find new, quality leotards at or below this price. A couple that come to mind are Melody, that had a $5 grab bag a year ago or so; and Dreamlight that just had a 20 Leo's for $100 ($5/Leo) grab bag.