There are people here who have been fortunate to have achieved a perfect balance of it all - gym, cost, coaching from the start. Nope I am not one of those. I have ridden the crazy bus a few times, have tried to help when I should not and questioned aspects that were best left alone. What I have done though is learned from my mistakes. I have learned to stand back, to go with the flow even when it feels more like things are sinking. You come to understand that for every high there is can be an equally low, low lurking around the corner. Often with young optionals their bodies are ahead of their brains and it can take time for the two aspects to come into sync. Only your kid can make it through these things, it will be a struggle for them many, many times. Be the shoulder to cry on with no judgement, remind them they are not defined by any one skill or moment, find the fun as best you can (which gets harder when it feels more like a job) Your child has reached optionals so quickly, you have not had the benefit of time to get it all straight. Listen to Meetdirector she said it better than I can.