Back handspring advice

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Proud Parent
Mar 22, 2017
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My little one, who just turned 6 years old, learnt her back handspring 2 weeks ago. When she is spotted (with just a one hand spot) she keeps her legs together and straight. On her own she tends to keep them open and bent. As well she doesn't seem to push back as much as she does when spotted. Are these things that will improve with time and experience? Are there any hints or exercises I can give her that might help her.
It will improve with time. But I do sometimes give my girls a hand spot just to make corrections. This way they feel the proper way to do it and I reinforce muscle memory. I also use the old paper between the knees trick for keeping legs together. I make it a challenge to keep the paper between their knees on standing back handsprings.
It took my DD at least a few months after getting her bhs to consistently do the skill cleanly, and she still sometimes throws an ugly one on the floor. The more she's practices the better it will be.
It's that magic good form button all girls seem to have on their lower back. It seems that anytime a coach touches it, their form is perfect. If the coach doesn't touch it, it doesn't even look like they are doing a skill :) .
It will come with time. One girl I coached did round-off to really ugly back handsprings. Suddenly, one day, she did the best looking round-off to 2 back handsprings I had seen. Since then, she was one of the most powerful tumblers in the gym.
It's that magic good form button all girls seem to have on their lower back. It seems that anytime a coach touches it, their form is perfect. If the coach doesn't touch it, it doesn't even look like they are doing a skill :) .
It will come with time. One girl I coached did round-off to really ugly back handsprings. Suddenly, one day, she did the best looking round-off to 2 back handsprings I had seen. Since then, she was one of the most powerful tumblers in the gym.
I got my bhs when I was 6 and I'm sure it was ugly (considering my coaches said I wasn't ready to do it w/o spot so I went on to teach myself how to do it in my backyard [emoji23]) but as I moved up and got better it improved with time. She's only 6, she'll figure it out as she gets braver!
Maybe always remind her to point her toes. DD 7 seems to bring her feet together instinctively when her toes are pointed. Also, as everyone stated, time. DD did the entire level 3 season as a 6 year old and her bhs at the first meet compared to her bhs at states were night and day.
I would recommend doing handstands against a wall and have her snap down quickly. This will help with the tail end of the handspring. Also I have seen when doing the handspring down a wedge mat can sometimes remind them of the form on their own. She will get it! It's just a matter of time until it clicks. Best of luck!!
They all look pretty bad in the beginning. I have seen some kids take over a year to clean it up.

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