broke both ankles!

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her feet must've been in a precarious position when she punched in to the 2nd somi...assuming she did whip to punch to something else.?

You are exactly right and perhaps I should have worded it that way as for people to understand better.
Going to the ER that night would not have mattered as they didn't cast until one week later. She actually has those boots on and has to keep above her heart.
The doctors do feel there may have been some weakness before hand but there is no way to know for sure.
The child and parents are not sore about how things happened.
Thanks for all the get well wishes!
How is she doing now? Must be tough to be so incapacitated for an active child.
How is she doing now? Must be tough to be so incapacitated for an active child.

Thanks for asking. I will see her tomorrow. We are going to the kids volleyball banquet. She si getting quite bored, no school, no gym, keep feet raised, booorrriing!!

But she want to get better and hopes to be able to compete at states in April so she knows she needs to sacrifice now.
That must be tough not being able to do anything for her, because she is so active. We will be waiting to hear the update after the banquet. :)

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