Oh how I love some of those crazy parents. They keep me from becoming them with their over the top antics, their gym-jumping, and their foolish behaviors. These parents either alienate their children from their sport and from themselves - or raise brats who feel entitled to be looked on as the best at everything. I've seen both kinds of crazy.
On the one hand is the parent who hems and haws during practices that her dd is the best in that gym, if only the coaches would recognize it and give her the attention she deserves. (actually had a mom tell me that to my face

) These parents are the ones who often abuse private lessons, gym jump to find the perfect fit, and have full home gyms. They fawn and fidget over their precious gymnast filling her head with how good they really are, and how blind their coaches must be not to see it. Their dd's often fuss and cry at practices and at meets when their over-inflated expectations are not met.
On the other hand is the parent who side-line coaches, gesturing and making displeased faces from the parents area. This parent do not fawn over their children, they drive them to meet their expectations like an overseer would drive slaves. ( I know, a harsh comparison. But I know parents who have punished their child for not placing in the top 3 AA at a meet. Which makes me

) These girls end up hating their sport, and often their parent.
Finally, the threads about them are such (guilty) fun to read