WAG Can't believe this! Horrible!

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abused women nearly never want to leave the abusive husband. so do the abused children. you always hope it will get better, because he is so nice sometimes, you always think it will get better because you yourself will 'be' or 'behave' better and not 'anger' him anymore... the behaviour of the adults around teenagers and kids builds patterns for what these kids learn to accept as 'normal' and 'healthy'. she is learning a lot about the meanig of "to care for someone" or "to push someone" or to "coach someone". i really do not know if a sport is worth this. at the very least talk to her about it and make it very, very, very clear that the coache's behaviour is totally wrong and not acceptable at all.
Hmmm....I just read this entire thread to see what others had to say.
Our girls love gymnastics.....they are perfectionists....they want to please themselves and others!
It's ok to be a perfectionist and ok to please...if coming from within.
But if coming from fear that's another story.
Based on what I read in the original post, the girl, to me, sounds afraid....afraid of not pleasing the coach.

Yes, our girls want to please their coaches....but this coach, in my opinion, sounds crazy.

I guess my feeling is what would you do/how would you react if this was a public school teacher....your daughter's 6th grade teacher.

Would you give that teacher a pass if your daughter had a bloody nose, stayed in the bathroom for 15 minutes and then went back onto the floor...no nurse, no ice, no nothing?

My guess is absolutely not....you'd be in the principals office firing off a complaint (I say you, but really mean the general 'you' here!)

I'm a public school teacher....I know that parents want to know if something happens and, yes, I send kids to the nurse when there's blood involved!!

You (we...parents) are paying a lot of money for our girls to do what they love.

It's reasonable to expect that the people we entrust them to for 20 ish hours a week will care about their well being.

This coach is not someone I would trust my child with.

my 2 cents.
I would have trouble with that type of coach is about all I can say without getting mean. I also keep seeing the mention of 6hours on one event. I can't even see a 6 hour workout as being productive for children. I know after 3 the usefulness goes down hill fast. Sounds like this coach is destroying the bodies of little girls in my opinion.
Your poor daughter! Any kind of bump to the nose is truly horrible-makes you feel very shaken.I think the coach should have firstly checked out the injury (a few comforting words would not have gone amiss) and then asked if one of the other girls would accompany your child into the toilets to make sure she was ok whilst she cleaned herself up and composed herself.I think he was right to get her back on the beam that session though -the longer you leave it the more the fear grows.The coach's behaviour has too many parallels with domestic violence for my liking.You , as her parent have a duty to show her that this is not an acceptable way for her to be treated.I think you have to speak to the cioach.You can do it in a non-confrontational way.'I hear Lucy had a nasty spill last week?' in a non-confrontational voice as an opener and see what he says.
I would talk to the HC or the gym owners
(I'm sorry if he is the owner or head coach)

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