Drill: Get on the trampoline and practice killing your bounce. Do every airborne skill you've got that lands on your feet and kill the bounce.
Drill: Flip off a platform onto a landing mat and kill the landing.
Drill: Run and jump off vaulting board with flips to a landing mat and kill the landing.
Drill: On the mat landings as your feet hit the mat sit down with your hands up. Do not roll back. You'll be surprised how much control this teaches you.
Finish skills as early as possible so you have time to prepare for the landing and anticipate it.
Reach for the floor with the balls of the feet and upon contact bend the knees to kill the landing. As the knees bend down the arms raise up to slow or stop rotation.
Do not resist the landing. Instead come into the landing. Do not land stiff. Do not spring load your legs on the landing.