coach problems

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Jul 23, 2010
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So i'm new to CB but i really have some question i would like to be answered.

First off i would like you to know a little bit about my situation; on the first of march 2010 the only gym i have ever been to shut down and our whole team had to split up and find new gyms. We looked at a few gyms and i found one i like but my mom didn't, so i chose a different one... my mom still didn't like it, so she chose the cheapest and closest one possible.:mad:

At the gym things started off fine but then i relized only one coach actually coached! The head coach (and owner of the gym) almost never paid attention to us. When he did pay attention it was either to one girl only (his favorite pure talent no effort girl) or he would pick on us and call us scaredy cats and wimps. :(

I'm so fed up with him! So far what i have learned there, i have taught myself! I have less than a month till my first official meet (mock meet in two weeks:eek:) and 2 major skills (flyaway and backtuck) are kicking my butt! i know that if i just work them a little with spots i can give myself enough courage to throw them by myself, but i need spots for the first ones.

sorry this is so long i just have a lot to vent i really don't know what to do. so if there is any advice you could give, i'm all ears.
I had one coach like the bad coach(es) you are describing here. She would only spot rarely upon badgering, would barely ever give much advice, didn't seem involved or friendly. Thankfully she is gone now (deported!). What helped me with her was being very proactive, i.e., "Was that one better?" "What do I need to do to get more height on my back tuck?" "Was my form OK on that one?" rather than waiting for advice like you do with good coaches who give it when needed. I would definitely ask for a spot and explain that you only need a spot on one or two and it would really help you out a lot. Maximize your time spent with the good coach. If the gym continues to be terrible, explain to your mother that the coaches are not helping you and they only care about this one talented girl. Try out the next-closest gym!
So i'm new to CB but i really have some question i would like to be answered.

First off i would like you to know a little bit about my situation; on the first of march 2010 the only gym i have ever been to shut down and our whole team had to split up and find new gyms. We looked at a few gyms and i found one i like but my mom didn't, so i chose a different one... my mom still didn't like it, so she chose the cheapest and closest one possible.:mad:

At the gym things started off fine but then i relized only one coach actually coached! The head coach (and owner of the gym) almost never paid attention to us. When he did pay attention it was either to one girl only (his favorite pure talent no effort girl) or he would pick on us and call us scaredy cats and wimps. :(

I'm so fed up with him! So far what i have learned there, i have taught myself! I have less than a month till my first official meet (mock meet in two weeks:eek:) and 2 major skills (flyaway and backtuck) are kicking my butt! i know that if i just work them a little with spots i can give myself enough courage to throw them by myself, but i need spots for the first ones.

sorry this is so long i just have a lot to vent i really don't know what to do. so if there is any advice you could give, i'm all ears.

Have you calmlysat down with your parents and explaind everything to her like you did here? Believe it or not your parents are on your side. What is the next closest and cheapest gym? Mom sounds like transportation and funds are an issue that need to be considered in choosing a gym. If you have your info prepared and let her know that this isn't working for you and have your reasons all written out then she should listen to you. I would listen to my DD if she said that. Yes she will listen to what you have to say. She may not agree with you and react in the way you want but that doesn't mean she isn't listening or understanding what you want done. Show her that you need a different gym but it may not be the one you want but the one the family can afford.

Talk to mom and dad - they love you and want you to be happy.
So sorry you are dealing with this situation! As cher says, your parents want what's best for you, talk to them & explain what you have told us. Even though the gym maybe "cheap", if you aren't getting anything out of it, it's just a waste of your time & their money:(. Maybe there are some other gyms in the area, that would work out financially for your family & actually train you. All gyms are not created equal unfortunately:(. It may take some searching & trials to find just the right fit to meet the needs of both you & your parents. Sit down & have a talk with them about it. Maybe you can all come up with a plan of some other gyms to look into. And in the mean time, although it's difficult, keeping doing the best you can in your current situation. Good luck!
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation, it really is unfortunate how many coaches there are out there who do not have their athletes best interests in mind.
I would also agree with Cher's suggestion to talk with your parents. Let them know exactly what is happening and maybe get them to come in and watch a practice if the gym allows that. Cost was a big concern for my family when I was a gymnast, but my parents were always willing to make a change, even if it involved a little sacrifice, if it was in my best interest. If your parents don't know much about the sport, like mine, they might not be aware of the problems at your gym. While my parents could see things like me being ignored, bullied, or not making any progress, some problems are much less obvious, especially if your parents do not stay to watch practices.
If your coaches are not doing their job and providing corrections and spotting, that is not only a hindrance to your progression, but also a potential safety risk, especially as the skills you are working on get progressively more difficult. And while the program might be cheaper, it's just a waste of any money your parents are spending if you are not learning anything.
Thanks for answering my question, but do you think i should give it some more time? A competitions leo and bag have been ordered for me and i'm not sure telling my mom would be that easy. I think that if i were to tell my mom about my feelings she would just talk to the coaches. Which, i know what your thinking, would be a good thing right? wrong. This problem is seen by most all the gymnasts and the coach has been talked to before, he (i haven't witnessed this but have been told) will be a good coach for a day or 2 but returns to his old self fast. Do you think i should stick it out till after this competing season, or confront my parents now?
Thanks for answering my question, but do you think i should give it some more time? A competitions leo and bag have been ordered for me and i'm not sure telling my mom would be that easy. I think that if i were to tell my mom about my feelings she would just talk to the coaches. Which, i know what your thinking, would be a good thing right? wrong. This problem is seen by most all the gymnasts and the coach has been talked to before, he (i haven't witnessed this but have been told) will be a good coach for a day or 2 but returns to his old self fast. Do you think i should stick it out till after this competing season, or confront my parents now?

No I don't think you can wait. You have clearly stated your not happy and getting not getting anything out of it waiting just wastes more time and money. It might not be too late to cancel the order if you do it quickly. Talking to parents isn't always the easiest to do but if you were my DD I would rather you tell me exactly what you have posted here instead of trying to stick it out. Yes she may talk to the coaches and that really isn't a bad thing the more complaints they get the more aware they become that a change is needed. If you don't say anything then nothing will ever change. It is important to have the gym (and your parents ) informed every time it happens. Your parents have more world experience than you do and can see things with a different perspective than you have. They really can help and understand what your going through. Do your homework make some phone calls yourself and see if there are other gyms in the area that aren't too far and cost about the same. Its not hard to do and much of that info can be found on line.

You may end up sticking it out for the season but really talk to your parents now and bring up ALL your concerns. They need to know before any more money is invested and before you get so brought down that you start hating to go to practice etc. Really talking to parents for any issue should be your first course of action. They really do understand. We have all been in those situations that seem impossible but you will see having a parent on your side really can help. Don't be afraid, take a deep breath, be calm and clear with your concerns. Let them know you're not happy and why. Let them know you understand that money is an issue but there must be somewhere else that isn't as bad as where you are. Let them know that this gym is breaking your love for the sport. Just talk to them
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Another issue is safety. If you are not being correctly taught skills you need to learn to compete, actually throwing them in a competition could be disasterous. EEKK! Talk to your parents and let them know that you are not getting what you need out of this gym. Be specific. Maybe they can help you with a solution that you are all happy with.
Bring mom to your site and let her read all the wonderful responses to your issue....then sit down and talk it out. I know your mom wants what is best for you and as Shelovesthebars stated, safety is one of the biggest issues you may be dealing with...and being called names by the coach is no way to is seriously a way to get hurt!
I was going to say something similar to the previous poster.
But maybe if you think she would be too busy or want some time to think about the responses here, I would print out the thread, start the discussion, and say to her that you would like her to take some time to read through the posts, and think about how she can help you to sort out the situation you are in.
Same proplem

At my gym the head coach has three favorites and never really pays attention to any one else. the three of them and me are the only ones who have all of our skills for level 7 and she doesn't really like me. i have taught my self a lot this year like backhandspring on beam, giants, clearhip handstand, and fronthandspring front tuck on floor. i have moved on i don't really mind that she doest pay attention to me any more. but i can see where your coming from though, so i know how you feel and good luck.:)

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