Competing After High School...

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I was wondering what is the maximum age you can compete in USAG?

Beetle has a teammate that is graduating high school this year. She is going to college at a local University. Can she still train and compete USAG? She is a level 7 this year..

I don't know if she wants to keep competing but it just occurred to me this week as I was watching all the girls work extra skills and thinking.. "Hey, how come A cant keep training?"
There is no upper age limit in USAG. I was a level 8 senior year and went to a local college and kept training with my team, and competing level 8 thru college. I took a break then went back again at age 25 to train and compete. The gym might not have insurance for those over 18, though, so that is something to check.
Thank you for starting this thread. I have had the same questions since I will be leaving for university next year and would like to continue to train and possibly compete. It has actually been a huge worry for me that i might not be able to continue gym :S.

Does anyone know if the same thing GikiGirl said applies in Canada, Ontario?
Yep Robindq it is the same in Ontario....myself and at least 2 or 3 others girls that I know of are competing at the provincial level and we are between19 and 21 years of age. Also with the new rule for level 7-9 14+ in which athletes can be an event specialist, it is easier for older girls to continue with the sport.
There's no USAG rule against it, it would come down to individual gym policies, but most seniors in high school are 18 by the end so those ages usually aren't a problem. The insurance would probably be like 21 or something, at least through 19. It's just unusual though.
I competed during my freshman year of college in 1995. It wasn't a problem then. I also coached for the gym that I competed for, so I got to workout for free (in addition to being paid!). It was a wonderful experience for me. I would have continued in later years, but had to have back surgery Christmas of '95. After 6 months of only being allowed to walk and another 6 months of only spotting, running, and basics, just didn't feel like it was worth getting ready to go back to competition. I know that the gym where I currently work would not support that type of gymnast, but that gym didn't even think twice about letting me compete with them!
There is no maximum age for competing for girls in USAG. Many adult women compete in WAG competitions, either they retire and get back into the sport when they are older or simply dont take it up until their adult years. So you can continue to compete at any age.

AAU competitions also have a ladies division and there are specific adult WAG competitions if you dont want to compete again the much younger kids.

I do hope this catches on more, because people seem to have this idea that gymnastics is a childrens sport. Gymnastics should be a life long sport that can be enjoyed at any age and competiton should be availbale to those of any age who are prepared to do the work.
We have a 38 year old that competes L8 in my state. And she's a mom with I think 2 kids.

If your body is up for it. I say go for it. My dd will graduate at 17 and not turn 18 until Dec. If she is still in gymnastics at that point, I'd let her stay in it if she chose.
My dd will graduate at 17 and not turn 18 until Dec. If she is still in gymnastics at that point, I'd let her stay in it if she chose.

ah. same with me! graduating at 17 and not turning 18 till December.

Ok I know i didn't start this thread but I'll give you an update anyways haha.

A couple days ago on the ride to a meet (i was watching my teammates compete - I have a sprained ankle and couldn't do so myself) somehow a former teammate came into the conversation between me and my coach. I found out she is attending a University I applied for and used to do gym at a local club near the uni. I Emailed her when i got home and she gave me a bunch of info on the club and other school/gym details. It ends up she took an awesome rec program there where she trained with other uni students. She says the club also has a masters program that i can compete with!! AND yesterday i got my acceptance letter to the university :)

So if I go to this university...which i am still unsure of....I will be able to continue to train and possibly compete in gymnastics. I am thrilled!!!!:D
Yeah, there are quite a few schools that have club gymnastics in the US. The league is called NAIGC, and we use level 9 rules with level 10 bonus. However, it's certainly not a requirement to have be a former level 9! We have a few girls on our team who started gymnastics in high school.
I'm still competing in USAG meets and I'm 25. There's a few girls around here that are competing in their college years and afterwards. It's quite fun.
i am graduating highschool at 17 this spring and im competing L7 and training 8..i find it sad how you are expected to drop the sport unless you recieve a college scholarship..i may not be the best gymnast in the world but i LOVE it and would love to keep competing usag but i dont think i will be allowed to kills me to watch undedicated 13 year olds (who dont even want to be in gym) be welcomed with open arms--and someone who is dedicated and truely wants to be there not allowed because of their age..
you totally can keep competing if you want to! there isn't an age limit (as far as i know) to usag. if you're not going to college after you graduate, or if you're going to college close to home, can't you just stay with your current gym? have they said they will kick you out?
if you're going away to school, i'm sure you can find clubs that will allow you to be on their team. it's true that most gyms probably don't want to train someone from scratch at an older age, but since you're already level 7 / 8 i'm sure you wouldn't have a problem!! if you want to keep doing it, don't give up.
17 is NOT old even by most gyms standards (look at nastia, and lots of other olympic level gymnasts who are on usa's national team right now). just keep trying different gyms (if you can't stay with your current one) until you find one that works! since you are dedicated and love gymnastics so much you should do whatever you can to keep competing and training if that's what you want to do!! good luck!
its in our team handbook that we cant stay after 18..which technically gives me another year but who torn between going to Northern Illinois and competing NAIGC ..ooorrr saving myself a ton of money and going to community college(i have a scholarship so its free) and doing usag here at w/e gym will take me
oh.. that's too bad. what an awful rule! i hope you can find somewhere else that will take you and get to keep competing!

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