"lack of proper training" !!!!???????
Just wondering where all you others got your conditioning programs?? Geddert has given his program to other coaches to use. It has helped me and my gymnasts more than words can say. So I may be a little biased. I have also seen Delanie train, and my goodness this kid is talented!! She works HARD and shame on anyone who discredits that because of bias towards her coach!
She had a flexed foot…too bad she lost that .05. Who knows if Kathryn had pointed it out before (I'm gonna guess she had, but it was the first big competition and got looked over). Conditioning had nothing to do with this. Geddert's gymnasts are consistently well-rounded and much of it is due to his/his staff's coaching abilities. If anyone wants to PM me and tell me the atrocities he has apparently committed, I DO have an open mind and would love to hear them.
Until then…he has personally helped me become such a better coach without even knowing me, and his gymnasts are phenomenal. My kids have also attended his camp and I can't even express how professional and optimistic an experience it was for them. Please don't nitpick 13 year old kids who are working their hardest to make their dreams come true. It's disgusting.
His conditioning program works. I have one kid who can do the highest level conditioning (she is level 5/6 and very STRONG/talented). The rest are somewhere along the line, and it's nice to have different "levels" for them. We shouldn't be jealous of the system and should instead be thankful for even more examples of how to train our gymnasts.
HUH??? Your post is SO off base I just can't even......
I have NO bias for Geddert, and I assume he is a skilled coach because of the gymnasts he produces. I was just defending PL because I think the negative response to the video was overblown. I have no idea what point PL was trying to make, but there are other ways to read the post than the way you are. I just don't really pick up the "snark" that you apparently do. I took it as more of a criticism of the coach, than the child.
Even so, do you really think that pointing out deductions in an elite gymnast's routine is "disgusting"? Seriously? Calling her names and criticizing her looks would be disgusting. Even little level 3's expect to have a flexed foot pointed out.
And, I suspect that elite coaches, like most professionals, expect that their work will be criticized, sometimes fairly, but frequently unfairly. Questioning coaches is just part of sports. Have you ever watched a football game in a sportsbar?
Coaching techniques and philosophies are discussed and criticized every day on Chalkbucket, but usually the coach in question remains anonymous. The difference here is that Geddert is a well-known, top-level coach that is publishing training material. I don't really see why his coaching should be above criticism. A public gymnastics forum is a great place to discuss top-level coaches, no? Sure you may disagree with what is said, but to imply that anyone who dislikes Geddert's training is "jealous of the system" is just not okay.
As an aside, I really admire coaches like coachP (and Geddert) who put themselves and their ideas out there, publically, even though there is frequent disagreement. It would be great if Geddert wanted to participate in this forum, and shed additional light on his methods. But, like fans of most other sports, we will probably left to wonder and assume, basing our opinions on what little information we do have. Perhaps we should come up with a name for this....similar to "armchair quarterback" but specific to gymnastics.