WAG Deduction on floor for "cheerleading"????

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dd's coach once told her that a judge "recommended" that dd not smile so much in her floor routine because it didn't fit the routine. That recommendation likely came with some deductions but I can't be sure. So yes, I could see a judge telling a coach that a routine had too much pep in it. Remember, she is L10 so the routines are expected to be more mature. If hers is a little too cutesy, some judges may be put off by it. Not saying it is right. But I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.

It would be nice to know exactly what the judge meant by it - was it your dd in her routine, her fans in the stands while she was performing, her on the sidelines cheering others on? Without the exact nature, it's hard to know what to change.
Here are the specific artistry deductions:
Artistry/Presentation ↑.30
- Originality/creativity of choreography ↑.10
- Quality of movement reflects personal style ↑.10
- Quality of expression ↑.10

For what it is worth, I think she should just go out there and enjoy doing what she does! In the long run it is not going to affect her gymnastics potential or her goals....
I just saw her floor routine (boy she has a lot of energy to get through that routine!!! awesome!). The only thing in the routine I could see that the judge was referring to as cheerleading was before her 2nd pass (the middle of the floor and the corner), but honestly, I think it fits well with the routine. I could see a judge or two not liking the energy level of it and its cutesy factor. I remember so many people here complaining about Regan Smith's routines, about how they were too cutesy so I could understand that, but your dd is young and can still pull it off.
dd's coach once told her that a judge "recommended" that dd not smile so much in her floor routine because it didn't fit the routine. That recommendation likely came with some deductions but I can't be sure. So yes, I could see a judge telling a coach that a routine had too much pep in it. Remember, she is L10 so the routines are expected to be more mature. If hers is a little too cutesy, some judges may be put off by it. Not saying it is right. But I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.

It would be nice to know exactly what the judge meant by it - was it your dd in her routine, her fans in the stands while she was performing, her on the sidelines cheering others on? Without the exact nature, it's hard to know what to change.
Yes this...would be nice to know where. And yes it can happen if the judges feel it’s overdone or not appropriate...but how frustrating for all involved!!!
I haven’t heard of this but if the judge really deducted for that, it’s a shame. I know judges are human and you can’t fully turn off personal preferences. My dd’s Routine is upbeat and sassy and I know it’s not every judges cup of tea. I can usually tell by their facial expressions what score she will get. Some love it and it always shows in the score if they do. And some days the more balletic and classical routines will sweep the medals. But taking an actual deduction seems odd especially since they didn’t specify which move caused the deduction or if it was the choreography in general.

Here’s hoping for some upbeat routine loving judges at regionals! And congrats to her for qualifying!
This might be a dumb question; but even if one judge took the deduction, isn't it likely that it won't matter? I thought that at state meets there are 4 judges, that the top and bottom score are tossed, and then they average the middle two... or is this totally wrong (very possible, since I think I just heard it that way at a meet and assumed it to be correct).
This might be a dumb question; but even if one judge took the deduction, isn't it likely that it won't matter? I thought that at state meets there are 4 judges, that the top and bottom score are tossed, and then they average the middle two... or is this totally wrong (very possible, since I think I just heard it that way at a meet and assumed it to be correct).
4 judge panels are only required at level 9 eastern/westerns and level 10 nationals. State and Regional meets are determined by individual states/regions administrative committees, only 2 required. There are some states that don't have enough high level judges to do it for their state meet, though I would say majority do 4 for level 8 and up, even the biggest dates most don't do it for levels below that.
My daughter's coach told her after state that she received a .1 deduction on her floor routine for "cheerleading". I've never heard of this. I have no idea what the judge would be referring to. Her floor routine is VERY upbeat and spunky and she's make lots and lots of facial expressions during her routine. But can they actually deduct for that??? Just wondering if we should have her tone it down for regionals?? The crowd loves it and so does she, I really don't want her to change it or how she performs it at all. If the judge doesn't like it I guess that's just too bad.
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4 judge panels are only required at level 9 eastern/westerns and level 10 nationals. State and Regional meets are determined by individual states/regions administrative committees, only 2 required. There are some states that don't have enough high level judges to do it for their state meet, though I would say majority do 4 for level 8 and up, even the biggest dates most don't do it for levels below that.
Interesting. I guess that we are one of the few that do 4, I think that it has been 4 judges for all of my girls' state meets, definitely for Xcel and L4+... (A few state meets would flash the score from each judge and then the final score. I really thought that was cool.)
4 judge panels are only required at level 9 eastern/westerns and level 10 nationals. State and Regional meets are determined by individual states/regions administrative committees, only 2 required. There are some states that don't have enough high level judges to do it for their state meet, though I would say majority do 4 for level 8 and up, even the biggest dates most don't do it for levels below that.

See I find this very odd in your system. I would say all the competitions I go in the UK to have 4 judges per piece from lowest levels and up (like your level 3 and up).
Here are the specific artistry deductions:
Artistry/Presentation ↑.30
- Originality/creativity of choreography ↑.10
- Quality of movement reflects personal style ↑.10
- Quality of expression ↑.10

As a judge I hate it when the facial expressions are over done to the point of gurning. I would certainly take that as quality of expression 0.1. But you definitely want expression. Our fig artistry deductions are way way more than this. You are lucky you only have 0.3 to lose.
Yes, this is a legitimate artistry deduction - I am assuming she took .1 for quality of expression (not being expressive enough or being overly expressive to the point where it doesn’t match the music) - USUALLY this is taken for not enough expression.

I also assume that the judge made a point to mention this to the coach because .1 IS actually a big deduction at the state/regional/national level and your daughters routine is probably otherwise very impressive and the judge doesn’t want her to lose that.

BUT if it was only that one judge who took the deduction, chances are it may not have changed too much in the way she placed especially if they have 4 judges (which I believe at the higher levels most states do because those meets determine who goes to Regionals).

As a coach if this was said to me about an athlete who doesn’t usually get this deduction, and we were coming up on the “big” late season meets, I would absolutely schedule time for a judge to work with my girls, and to get some clarification on the deduction. Moving onto regionals, and hopefully nationals, you will most definitely have 4 judges, so in the long run it may not be a huge deal.
I have also heard that they can do something for cheering being too loud or an irritant to other teams.. but not sure how that all works... Ive only experienced it once and it was bad... but not sure what they did. i think perhaps the coaches were warned..

I've heard of this as well but have never seen it. I know that college meets are loud but for the most part our meets don't have that kind of energy. I guess it could be distracting to girls on beam, but who knows.
See I find this very odd in your system. I would say all the competitions I go in the UK to have 4 judges per piece from lowest levels and up (like your level 3 and up).
It's mostly because of the number of competitions. Could be a couple hundred on a busy weekend.
It's mostly because of the number of competitions. Could be a couple hundred on a busy weekend.
Honestly, probably overshot this number a little, 75-100 is probably the most. There can be an issue an state championship meet weekends can be an issue too. Lots of states(and college meets)at the same time and not quite enough of the highest rated judges for all of them.
Again, I know she is your kid. But you are trying to decipher and interpret three people down the lane and ending with a child.

Ask the coach. At least that he/she actually heard what the judge said.
And you are blatantly telling the mom that her kid is lying or at the. Wet least exaggerating. I think, no I KNOW the mom knows better than you what was actually said.
As a judge I hate it when the facial expressions are over done to the point of gurning. I would certainly take that as quality of expression 0.1. But you definitely want expression. Our fig artistry deductions are way way more than this. You are lucky you only have 0.3 to lose.
I had to look up "gurning", lol. One of my favorite parts of being on a site with people from all over the world, learning these words!

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