Parents FINALLY a good meet for Puma Jr!

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Mrs. Puma

Gold Membership
Proud Parent
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
Ok, so my kid's scores would make most of your kids CRY, but it's all relative right?! All I know is that Puma Jr just had her best meet of the season. She had her best AA, best bars, and best vault which was also her best single event score all year. She had all "clean" routines (hit all skills, no falls) again and FINALLY qualified for states! I know it's not all that hard in NY, but she has really been struggling through this transition so I am super proud of her. Her hard work is really starting to pay off. She still has a long way to go, but at least the stress of qualifying is over. It came down to the wire too...she ended on vault and needed higher than her best score all season to qualify. Her first vault was AWFUL. She actually fell on her butt, which she has never done. (Hmmm..I'm just realizing that may count against my previous "clean" comment...but that's why you get two, right?!)But her second vault was actually 0.45 higher than she needed! Woo hoo! This is so huge for her confidence. Hopefully it can propel her to really dig in and make the corrections she needs to work toward getting scores like her teammates. You know what I always say though...small victories!!! THANK YOU for all the good thoughts/wishes/mojo...:)
Way to go! Big congrats to her on her best meet of the season and hopefully her confidence is up and the rest of the season goes great for her!
So great to hear. Personal victories are the sweetest.
Congrats to her! My daughter's first year in gymnastics she started off with a 27AA and ended with a high of 32AA. 7 years later she's a level 8 and while she's not the highest scorer. She's always been a solid 36er by end of the season in all the levels. Puma Jr is showing improvement and that's what is important! Even better, you've already figured that out! Congrats to her on qualifying to States!
I am so pleased for her! You are so on the right track and so is she. Learning to work hard and dig deep without a lot of success will serve her so well at the higher levels and with harder skills. Brilliant news. Well done!
As a side note...the gentleman who happened to sit in front of us was a dad from the powerhouse gym around here. He and Puma got chatting about all sorts of things and we jokingly made a "pact" that we'd cheer for his kid to get a 9.9 if he cheered for ours to get an 8.0. Lol. Well, his kid ended up winning three events and would have won out completly if not for one fall. He was so proud and I was genuinely happy both them both. (Even though she beat my kid by A LOT! Lol) And the dad was so kind about Puma Jr's "victories" and was clearly excited for her too. It was just great to be equally happy for two kids with two very different goals that day. Yeah for good sportsmanship! Hopefully Puma Jr can give her a run someday.... ;)

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