Parents First Level 7 Meet

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Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
I just had to post and tell you all about how proud I am of my dd. :)

dd who is 9 had her first level 7 meet this past weekend, it was just a practice meet so it didn't count, but there were judges there to score and provide feedback. I am so proud of her. She has been working so hard. Between managing school work, band and practices, she is doing fantastic. She was moved up to level 7 about 6 weeks ago, and just learned her routines on 10/15. There were only 2 gyms at the practice meet and there were levels 5 - 10. Some of the level 5's were using the level 5 music with the instructions.

Beam - 8.90
Floor - 8.50
Vault - 8.65
Bars - 7.90

AA - 33.95

Bars was interesting. There was another girl on the team who was extremely tight and straight leg giants and only got an 8.00. I guess they were deducting huge for the cast.

We think she has been nursing an abdominal muscle injury. I think she got it learning her routine on the 15th doing the bridge move in the floor routine. She was in a lot of pain after the meet Sat and missed the sleepover at the gym. So we are on rest until next monday. No practice. Then we will try just stretching but no strength on the abs. The next meet is on Nov 15/16.

Here's her video....
YouTube - Level 7 Practice Meet
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She did great! I also have a nine year old level 7. She is the youngest on her team-makes her feel a little out of the loop sometimes. What type of instrument does your DD play?
Thanks, she is the youngest and smallest on her team as well. She has some B skills under her belt, but i hope they continue to work on getting her to have more. I feel bad for her in that the other girls are older and she is not included in things. A couple of the other gyms have a handful of girls her age and size at the level. But she says she is fine where she is.

She just started to play clarinet. She is practicing simple holiday music now and once in while I hear that shrilling squeak.. :eek:
She did a lovely job at her meet, she has a lot of poise for a 9 year old. She has a lot to be proud of. I hope her abs strain heals quickly.
WOW!! Great job! She did awesome for just learning all those routines! She seems very confident and self-assured. My dd is 9 as well! (Level 4 and plays the flute!!!) I hope her abs heal quickly!
I think she did awesome, especially since she just learned the routines 2 weeks ago, wow! I am sure she will just keep getting better and better during L7. I play flute, but also played clarinet (alto) for a year before switching, I remember those squeaks. Ouch. :D
Great job.She looks good in the video.Bars is hard at a Level 7.
Bars was interesting. There was another girl on the team who was extremely tight and straight leg giants and only got an 8.00. I guess they were deducting huge for the cast.

First let me say great job! She will have a very sucessfull L7 year! I feel your pain about bars. My DD didnt hit a 10.0 start value at all last year for bars (even though it looked like she did hit the cast in a couple meets) Her highest Bar score all year was a 8.45. Thank goodness she has a cast to handstand this year!

Good luck and keep us updated!
When my daughter did Level 7 the coaches said only 1 giant is required in Level 7 and if you choose to do another one and it is not perfect it will just be more deductions.The same with the beam.If you do a bwo bhs you arenot required to do another bhs.Again this is just another deduction if not done perfectly.
Just a little advise from what the coaches told me.
Again she looked great for her first Level 7 meet.
I agree with Hunde2, My DD started her 1 L7 year with 2 giants. Then she took one out, her scores went up by about 1/2 a point.
Thanks for everyones great comments!

The coach that was helping last year said the same thing about the giants...only do one. But this year I guess is different. A couple of the second year level 7's aren't even doing giants because they are having issues with them, just clear hips.

She is taking the next couple of practices off and the week before her next meet, I will mention the second giant to the coach. I do know that she needed that second bhs on beam because she needed a second B skill.

Out of the 8 girls on the L7 and some second year, she scored the second highest AA score and the highest score on beam.

Thanks for everyones great comments!

The coach that was helping last year said the same thing about the giants...only do one. But this year I guess is different. A couple of the second year level 7's aren't even doing giants because they are having issues with them, just clear hips.

She is taking the next couple of practices off and the week before her next meet, I will mention the second giant to the coach. I do know that she needed that second bhs on beam because she needed a second B skill.

Out of the 8 girls on the L7 and some second year, she scored the second highest AA score and the highest score on beam.


IIRC, they need a solo acro skill on beam or do one just to get that needed B skill. Usually at L7 I've seen the bhs done, but she could do another B acro skill(you're ripping your hair out bc she just got this routine right???) Have to say our gym does have the girls do 2 giants. I think 1 reason is to get them used to doing more than 1 so L8 won't be too much of a transition. Obviously, if you have a girl struggling alot on giants, they can always do 2 clear hips or 1 clear hip/1 giant. My gymmie liked the 2nd giant to get more "oomph" for her flyaway and well, she just plain likes giants.
Optional judging is just a whole new world----welcome and best wishes to your dd for the season.

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