First Meet Report- Level 3

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I really really want to share video of my 5 yer old daughter's first meet but I really need a place to come and ask questions and vent without parents from my gym using it for gym bleacher talk. With that being said...
I know that a lot of gyms don't compete level 3 but since my daughter is 5 she has no other options for competing. And yes, I know how they do at the lower levels is no indication of future success, but I am still very proud of my daughter. First up was floor. They just strarted to practice it to music this week but my dd did great with a 9.1 which was good enough for first place. Vault was a little harder because she weighs 30 lbs. but she got an 8.4 for fourth place. Bars was third and she scored 9.55 for first place. Beam was last where she scored a 9.1 for second place. All around she got first place. I am so proud of her and she cracks me up. She really had a blast and enjoyed herself. Thanks for reading!
Yeah for your DD! I really do want to see the video! DD had her first private today in anticipation for her first level 5 USA meet in Jan. She can not wait! Congrats to your little one! And kudoos for having her compete so young. She will have an edge for sure! We opted to only let DD train as a 4 and 5 yo. She didn't start competing until she was 6.
Lilgymmie7- She is definately uptraing and spending very little time on level 3 skills now. I was actually very worried about her competing level 3 this weekend because they haven't even worked a mill circle in months so I was wondering if she could still do it properly. She also just learned her floor routine to music this week and her beam routine this month. She had never even done a dive roll vault until this week so that was a worry too. She is definately working mostly level 5 skills now and some higher on floor because she gets tumbling very quickly. Most of her training now is just conditioning, strength and flexibility. She did have a blast competing with her friends so I am glad she had the opportunity to compete.
Hakunamatata-Yes, she was really happy with her bars! Judging was really tough and there were 7 gyms there. Just an example, my dd and her friend both performed all of their beam routine without any falls and my dd got a 9.1 and her friend got a 7.0. Tough scoring all around.
Sounds to me like she did great too.

And would love to see the video.
Sounds like a successful introduction to competition. I almost wish I had been at a gym that competed L3 so DD could have competed this year. I can't wait for her first meet!
Tell your DD congrats on a great L3 meet! Sounds like her bars are something special!

Some parents post videos and password protect them on sites like VIMEO, then you can chose who can view the videos.
Congrats to your dd on a great first L3 meet! Sounds like she is super talented. I'd love to see her video if you figure out a way to post it with password protection.
Sounds like your DD did great!! And she'll only get better from here! :) Sounds like she'll have a great season! Good luck to her :D

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