Full spin on beam deductions and all about GB WAG programmes

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True that. Sandbaggers bug me. It could just be ineffective coaching though, some coaches just cannot get good results with standard hours. Very unfair really.
yes I don't think it says much about the club or the coaching really.
Really good to see stuff about UK gymnastics.....levels are confusing though!!! I have a son who does gym and I thought the boys levels were complicated!! Interesting about the hours differing in the UK to other countries. I wonder if it applies to boys as well. My son is 8 and trains 12 hours pw, soon to be 18. He is also a late birthday so competing in U10. Seems to be more age related in UK than in USA....?
gosh you go away to a competition for a weekend and llook what happens to the thread lol !
very well run (thank goodness), slightn melt down before beam but we took out the back walkover and she rallied, a great experience.
Well done to Pink and Fluffy! It is quite a big comp with a mixture of small and very big clubs. Would she want to go again?
Oh yes - she is already planning the day off school to go next year ! Reckon we might have the giants sorted by then so will be moving up a level.
I have attempted to read this entire thread. I think someone should award our CB the UK parents an honorary university degree for understanding this complicated system. If you don't understand it, you have my permission to nod your head, smile and tell your child "good job" no matter what they say they have done. As for me, I am completely confused.
I have attempted to read this entire thread. I think someone should award our CB the UK parents an honorary university degree for understanding this complicated system. If you don't understand it, you have my permission to nod your head, smile and tell your child "good job" no matter what they say they have done. As for me, I am completely confused.
The really scary thing is there are even more systems in place than what is in this thread. All sorts of regional low level stuff out there to trip new parents up!! The fact that you managed to read the whole thread is nothing short of medal worthy!!!!
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Going to add my input for my region as we are different again!

Recreational Floor and vault
! Gymnasts can only train 4 hours a week*
! Gymnasts can compete in as many floor and vault and novice comps as they like
! Competitions are usually team based and gymnasts compete either as girls, boys or mixed teams. They are then further split by age. clubs can enter 2 teams per category per age group.

*A few of the competitions now have categories for gymnasts who train more than 4 hours however they are also open age so anything from 8-30+ year olds could be competing together!

Recreational Novice
! No restrictions on training hours however gymnasts wishing to do floor and vault too cannot exceed 4 hours per week.
! Gymnasts compete on all four women's artistic apparatus, but only their best 3 scores count so gymnasts can choose to compete only 3 apparatus if they wish.
! Competitions are split into 3 levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced. There are no move up scores so it's up to coaches which level to enter their gymnasts into.
! Gymnasts cannot compete in any other regional 4 piece competition.

Women's Artistic competitive

Grades - skills are set

Regional Grades 14-9
(only grade 14 has in or out of age groups, the rest compete as one big group)
! No restrictions on training hours
! Gymnasts compete range and conditioning at grades 14 and 13
! There is a recommended 'pass mark' however all this really means is that if it is exceeded gymnasts can't revert back a grade.
! There is no National Final
! Gymnasts cannot compete floor and vault or novice if they have competed grades

National Grades 8-5 (No age groups, just minimum age 10 for 8, 11 for 7, 12 for 6 and 13 for 5)
! No restrictions on training hours
! Gymnasts compete range and conditioning at all grades
! There is a recommended 'pass mark' however all this really means is that if it is exceeded gymnasts can't revert back a grade.
! Top 6 gymnasts in region go to National Final
! Gymnasts cannot compete floor and vault or novice if they have competed grades

Compulsory 5
! 'elite track' gymnasts compete this age 8 instead of grade 14. The skills are specific to our region.
! Gymnasts compete range and conditioning and must score 9 or above to pass the grade
! As well as scoring 9 or above on r&c the gymnasts must achieve a certain score to move up to compulsory 4.
! There is no national final.

Compulsory 4-2
! Elite gymnasts aged 9-11
! All compete R&C each grade gets harder (must pass to move on - may retake at regional grades)
! Must pass to move on (believe this is only our region)
! Gymnasts can revert to regional or national grades
! Top 6 gymnasts at comp 4 and 3 make national final. I think there is only a national competition for comp 2.

Levels - skills are voluntary but there are certain restrictions at each level.

Level 5
! Regional only
! Gymnasts are age 8 when they compete in age and may compete up to any age.
! Gymnasts cannot revert to Floor and vault or novice once they have competed level 5 (If I had a say I'd change this!)
! No national final

Level 4,3 and 2

! In age gymnasts are age 9, 10 and 11 respectively.
! top 6 in age gymnasts go to national final
! Out of age gymnasts do not go to national final and tend to have slightly easier requirements (eg in age 4 gymnasts must compete an acro series on beam, out of age don't need one)
! There is a recommended 'pass mark' however all this really means is that if it is exceeded gymnasts can't revert back a level.
Marie only top 4 go on to national finals for both compulsory grades and voluntary levels. A 5th can be a reserve but does not compete for the team. They can (and others too) compete at nationals as individuals if they wish for compulsory levels if they get the pass mark. Not sure about voluntaries.
Oh yes! Whoopsie! Just thought I'd add a couple more to the team! hehe
I stickied this thread and edited the title. I think it will be very useful in future and we can add to it or take away as the PTB change things.
Dragging an old thread back up here,

Does anyone know any info about "County Grades 1-6 or County Levels 1-6", my youngest is competing her county grades/levels next year, they have started working on the range and conditioning part of it, this is Dd's range:

Squad bunny hop thing
Forward roll to straddle sit
Pancake, hold for 4 seconds
Sit back up and lie down with control with arms above head and toes pointed
Push into bridge, hold for 4 seconds
Lie down and show dish position and hold for 4 seconds
Roll to arch, hold for 4 seconds
Lie down straight on your belly with arms above your head
Sweep arms to your sides, move hands to shoulders
Push up to a tall front support
Pick your your best hand off the floor
Swing the same side leg round into the splits and hold for 4 seconds
Twist into the other leg splits and hold for 4 seconds.
Swing back leg round to a pike sit without using hands
Pike fold hold for 4 seconds
From pike fold go straight into a backwards roll keeping legs straight
Stand up

Sorry if the names of the moves and time held are not right, these are Dd's words.
anything county is only controlled by your county and not really a national programme, as such the skills required are at you county's discretion.
What is the deduction for putting the free leg behind (rather than in front) on beam?I've searched, but can't find anything..Thank you!

In the netherlands, you would lose the Skill value and get 1 point off for a fall ( not showing complete control)

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