Maybe I led you guys down the wrong path. AGAIN! Anyhoo, the point that I made was about how silly it is for a wife to feel sorry (and giving excuses) for the husband because a football game happens to be on at the same time as a daughter's meet. It wasn't supposed to be a criticism/attack on one's life style in general, especially those who have to split up because their kids go in separate directions for different things (which happened just the past weekend when both daughters are competing in two entirely opposite directions).
Just to show how crazy a father can be... I spent all day on Sunday driving between two competing sites ~200miles apart just so that my kids can have the right equipment to use. Worse yet, another father drove the same trip from 6:30pm to just before midnight to replace yet another piece of equipment so that his son can compete the next day. At least I had a great sunny day to drive in.
BTW, Gillatard, anyone on CB who has an idea about me knows how much a softy I am when it comes to children. I too often am VERY nervous about the thought of seeing my daughters getting hurt at a meet -- especially now that my older is starting to throw some biggest skills. I'll also throw in the fact that both of my daughters are also competitive (and aggressive) alpine racers where my 13yo just hit 50+ mph this past weekend on a steep slope -- catching air and all.