Our gym was closed, but even if it hadn't been, I would not have allowed my daughter to go. Gymnastics is what she does, not who she is. Who she is is a member of a family, a friend, and a member of a community. Halloween is a big community celebration here. Schools have parties and /or parades. Then kids get the "real makeup" on for trick or treating. Many have a pizza party with friends they are going trick or treating with around 5:00. Then trick or treating 6:00 to 8:00 pm. I love how all the neigbors who want to participate leave their outside light on, most with pumpkins. It's fun to see the neighbors dressed up, or sto stop in and see their pets etc. Some of them have fires in their front patios or a portable firepit in the driveway. It's fun stopping at the neighbors houses, showing off the costumes (in my daughter's case a costume she has been working on for six weeks). People of most religious persuasions celebrate.
Yes, kids eat candy. Big deal. My daughter has a bunch Hallween night, a few pieces for a few days after, and then pretty much forgets about it. We are in bed by nine o'clock Halloween night.
Halloween night is the first night of the best time of the year. (We love the holiday season in our family)...
Nope, she is not going to miss the tradition of Halloween for gym. Gym comes before everything thing else many nights and weekends of the year, but not on Halloween. On Halloween she gets to be just another kid in the neighborhood having a blast.
Oh, and yes I did need an extra cup of coffee this morning!