You did not mention whether you can hold handstands on the floor with your hands together. This makes a difference in what you need to work on.
In a regular handstand on the floor with the hands apart and fingers forward, you have the advantage of leverage from your fingers. As your body leans over as if you going to fall over then you can counter balance by pressing back with your fingers. The fact that your hands are apart provides a wider base to balance from and gives you even more leverage.
The more you can leverage the ground using your fingers and a wide base, the more you can have flaws and teetering in your handstand without falling.
The problem on the beam longways, is that you can't get away with too much teetering or flaws in your handstand. This is because you do not have the leverage you had on the floor with your hands apart and all your fingers out in front.
For a longways beam handstand, your technique needs to be much more precise. Your handstand needs to be straight and balanced. No teetering. With your fingers down on the sides of the beam, all you have for leverage are your thumbs on top of the beam. You might get away with sneaking your index fingers up onto the beam to help out but this may be awkward. Or you might even manage to put all or most of your fingers on top of the beam. But the judges are going to notice that you are cheating.
Some gymnasts do not put even their thumbs on the top. All the fingers are cupped down the sides of the beam. For this you need a very steady handstand. The leverage to counterbalance comes from the wrists.