help with my bridge walkover

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I can kick over from a bridge if I do it with my feet up on a mat, but if I try to do it from the floor, from the same level my hands are at...well, it just doesn't happen. I don't know if I don't have the strength or what, but I simply can't kick over. Help?
What height is the mat you are doing it from? Maybe you could try using a lower and lower mat until you get down to floor level?
I have this issue a lot too LOL. Work your way from lower mats down and remember to push through your shoulders, it makes.the transition that much easier, and that way you wont be trying to muscle through the whole thing, you'll be using momentum as well
just push off your leg as hard as you can and lean your sholders over your hands
Sometimes it's an issue to do with shoulder flexibility. DD's coach has them do bridges with their hands starting near the wall, and then she has them try to push their chests as close to the wall as possible. Other drills they do for bridge kickovers are: holding one leg high and straight for 10-30 seconds during a bridge; kickovers down the cheese mats; kickovers off blocks/panels.

Good luck! You'll get it soon with practice. :)
i'll definitely try those things. so far I've only been able to do a bridge kickover by myself off a block, I've never thought of trying the cheesemat, I'll have to bring that up to my coach on Tuesday.

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