I have been saying this for almost a year now since our team kids have been using wrist and ankle weights for almost the entire practice - every practice!! The head coach is persistant and stubborn about the issue and is not listening to my concerns- since I only teach the preteamers and non competitive level 4's what do I know anyway
Seriously though, they are using them for the minute they do warm up (a ten min jog, arm circles, stretching etc) to just about the minute they leave (3.5 hours). They do jumps, turns and leaps all on both floor and beam, plyometrics, handstands, back walkovers and BHS. On bars they use the ankle weights for pullovers, kips, casting, leg lifts, chin ups etc. Even on vault they keep them on the entire time.
The only time I see them off are for back tucks and anything harder, occasionally for full bar routines, and if they are doing cartwheels, handstands, backwalkover on the high beam. If they are just doing them on low beam, the weights stay on.
Am I right to be concerned about this? In moderation I'm sure it's fine, but this just seems excessive.