How many hours of practice for L5? L6?

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Thank you!!! She has all the L4 bar skills now, and is still doing them at the new gym, they are trying to clean them up a little bit though! I will be sure and post some videos when I can...I think their first meet will be in November...just not in Hunstville. :(

Well, good luck to them both! Look forward to seeing the video. :)
Our level 5s practice 12 hrs and level 6s practice 15 hours. It's interesting to hear the difference in training levels. I also wonder if it really makes a difference in overall performance of the gymnast. I remember they used to talk about the limited hours that Shawn Johnson practiced and it certainly didn't hurt her.
Our level 5s practice 12 hrs and level 6s practice 15 hours. It's interesting to hear the difference in training levels. I also wonder if it really makes a difference in overall performance of the gymnast. I remember they used to talk about the limited hours that Shawn Johnson practiced and it certainly didn't hurt her.

It is interesting for sure and I love reading all the responses. Our old gym did 15 hours at L5 with the TOPs girls doing closer to 20. The new gym does less than that (11 to 13? not sure) My older DD is going to be doing competition dance too this year, so we are trying to make sure she gets enough hours in the gym to keep up her performance level while adding another night of dance. We are trying to work out schedules now and it is crazy! However, I guess I believe that the number of hours don't matter as much as the quality of hours that you get while you are there. But what do I know, I am just a crazy mom. :)
My L5 daughter does 10 hours in the summer and 10.5 during the school year. I guess we're on the low end ;)
All level 5s train 10hrs but there is an optional extra day - so 13 hrs if you do the extra day.
My niece practices 9 or 12 hours, M, W, F from 4:30-7:30 and Saturday from 9-12 (optional) for the school year. Their summer schedule is 12 or 16 hours, 4 days a week (M, W, F and Sat.) 4 hours at a time, Saturday being optional again. L 6 is the same, for optionals they practice more. They also have the option of doing open gym. She does gym through the Y. When I was a L 5 I probably practiced that much too, though it might have been even less. My gym was through the town recreation district and was pretty lax. If you wanted to practice more you could, to a certain point. But you were allowed to participate while practicing less.
When I coached, during the school year the Level 5s came 3x a week for 3.5-4 hours, so 10.5-12 hours a week. Level 6 was usually more like 4X a week for 4 hours, or 16 hours a week.
During the summer, I'd say level 5 works our more like 12-16 hours, and level 6, 16 hours.
L5 and L6...12 hours...3 hours x 4 days per week.

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