how to get a bridge kickover in 6day

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Mar 29, 2009
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i really need to get my bridge kick over by friday 8th may but i dont know what i need to do every day because i have been workin on doing off different sized mats but this seems very slow i know that it is to do with my flexability to i was planning to get mu mom to pull on my shoulders while im in bridge but i cant think of any other stretches that i could do to get fast progress aslo how many times a day should i do them and how long should i hold them for?
Just keep practicing. Like you said, use mats. If your gym has a wedge mat then stand it against a wall and see how far you can get your feet down and still kickover. Eventually, it will just click. Good luck.
If you are trying at the gym, then prop your feet on mats and just get them lower and lower. You could also get a coach to kinda pull your legs over slightly to help :)

If you are at home, use sofas or a bed, even a pile of pillows or something and get lower and lower :) Before I could do it on floor I would always do a handstand by the sofa and fall into a bridge with feet on the cushion you sit on, then kick back over to handstand :)

if you do it a lot every day you should hopefully get it, but I wouldn't guarantee it as like every other skill, it wont come easily :) however, i find harder skills like back handspring on floor easier than a kickover! its all flexibility :D

good luck!
As a coach, whenever a gymnast comes in with a date that they must have something, I always groan. It usually means that they don't care about doing the skill correctly, just want to do it. Because of that, it often takes them longer to learn the skill than they had hoped. As you are trying to kick over off the mats, take your time and try to do it correctly -- push those shoulders over your hands as hard as you can, kick a nice straight leg all the way over to the floor. Don't let your leg drop back down and don't pull the second leg up too soon. Lots of gymnasts who are getting desperate for this skill kick the second leg up before the first one has hit vertical. This ends up pulling you back down to the floor.

A good stretch for your shoulders that you can do yourself is to put your hands on a surface at about hip height if you want to stand about 12 inches if you want to kneel. Keeping your arms straight lower your chest down towards the floor and try to get your armpits on the floor (if you're doing it standing, that obviously won't happen, but the principle is still the same). If someone else is around, they can put a hand between your shoulder blades and give a gentle push. Good luck!
Just make sure you are not initiating the kick without fully opening the shoulders. I have a tumbler right now who forgets about doing this and tends to fall because she kicks too soon.

Open those shoulders, make sure they stay there and KICK the lead leg as far over as possible and chase it with the second. Big split helps a lot here unlike mine ( 90-120 degrees in a kickover ).
My question would be why the deadline? If you keep practicing and doing what your coaches say it will come when it comes. Everyone is different and skills will come to others more slowly for some and more quickly for others. Don't compare yourself with how fast others got a skill. Just focus on good form. Getting the skill slowly but having great form will serve you better as you progress. Good Luck.
i did get it i did my first back bend kickover today at gymnastics im now fonna try and get the back walkover
Don't rush yourself. Bridge kickovers took me months, not days. Keep practicing. Once I finally got mine I felt like I'd been pushing (kicking) differently. Check out my thread from a while ago on BKOs - there's lots of great advice there. If you rush yourself you might end up hurting yourself or doing the skill incorrectly. Good luck! =D

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