Off Topic I am a bad parent

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Feb 26, 2007
So when the alarm clock went off this am, I went to look at the computer for school cancellations, there iwasn't one. We got over a foot of snow last night and I just cannot imagine putting my kids on the bus for an hour long ride. I haven't seen any cars pass yet, always a bad sign. I have no idea what the crazy folks are thinkin, but right now we are staying put.

I am calling our own personal snow day!!!! Or in reality, keeping my kids of the road day!!!

Oops I was wrong, there goes a truck with a plough on the front!:eek:
I think you are a GREAT parent. It is your job to keep them safe when nobody else will. If you do not agree w/ the school system call that the roads are safe (when riding on a tin can w/o seatbelts - unless school buses in Canada have seat belts).

I would have done the same thing.

Where we lived before there was a time that they decided late to cancel school - except the high school kids were already on their way. 2 kids were killed in a car wreck on an icy road. Now, I don't put full blame on the school system because if it were me - My 16 year old kid would not have been driving on icy roads. End of story. But - it has to be your call and if you don't think the school made the right one, keep them home and safe. Much better than the alternative.
I have a feeling the school knows it isn't safe and probably realizes a lot of kids won't be there. They just don't want to use any more snow days - that would mess up the school calendar. I think you are doing the right thing keeping them home. No way would I let my kids go on a bus for an hour on bad roads!!!
I would have done EXACTLY the same thing. There have been a few occasions where i've been like "what are those school people thinking????!!!" But of course, it probably all goes back to the not wanting to use up snow days thing.

I'm a bit jealous - we have NO SNOW!!!!! It's cold, but raining. Not cold enough to freeze. I can think of a million things I would do if it were a snow day...

Break out the movies and hot chocolate.
Make a snowman - or perhaps a snow VAULT TABLE...
Maybe the L4 vault would be easier to build ;)
Put the kids to work cleaning their rooms...
Make the house smell like Christmas - love the candles.
----I think i may do that anyway
This list could go on forever....

I just can't wait for it to snow. I love it. My kids love it, and we always have a great day on snow days!!!
What do you mean? I can see no bus, but they couldn't just walk?? ;) Tough up will ya!

When we have a snowday, my DW will try her hand at homeschooling. Which FWIW: I think it completely unfair! Snow days are natures way of saying "No math today!"

DW thinks least for the first hour or so. Then she'll give in.
Well, I shovelled the driveway, the kids got up in various stages. Oldest, 16, surfed the net, then madea diorama, now is cleaning the closet downstairs.

Littlest helped me clean the basement and the room next to the basement, which we call "the basement basement" as we are odd, 40 beer cases later!!!

Middle kid has the gastro, that she picked up from her generous coach, is blobbing on the sofa researching her science project.

After lunch we'll snowshoe over to screaming curve and try to reset the tracks with a few runs.

Littlest does have gym at 4pm, I'll see what the roads are like later and decide.
I checked the tv this morning at 8:00 AM to see if there were school today. And they said that the Sir Wilfred Laurier school board was closed. (so that is supposed to mean that we don't have school) So my parents and my sister and I decided to sleep and then my sister woke up again at 9:30 saying that there were school since there where a bunch of cars in the school parking. I still decided not to go to school cause it's quite stupid that they said our school board doesn't have school and our school does. So yeah! :)
DOn't blame you, I forgot that you can see the school from your house, that sure helps, plus that getting up at 8am as opposed to 6:30am, nice!!!
I wish I could call a snow day. I got up this morning and got in the car to drive to school and there was a thick sheet of ice on my windshield. I hosed it off and it melted. :( Maybe if the whole car was covered in ice I would get to stay home. There was frost on the grass in the morning though and It's supposed to be 45° on Saturday! I think I will turn into a popsicle. I could never live in the snow. LOL
Welcome to South dakota.. the more ice we get, the less chance of school getting canceled. we got the first (well 2 in a row) snow day a month or two ago when I couldn't get out the front door the drifts were so high. Last year they never canceled it no matter how much snow we got.. What is scarrier than "high school" kids (like myself, 18 but we'll say 16-18) driving to school... 14 year olds driving to school. Now that's scary, but when you're 14 you feel pretty cool. :D
We don't get snow days, and if we don't turn up the attendance officer phones or comes round to our house to ask why we aren't at school.

So we just turn up at school and they send us home when the heating freezes up. Sucks, especially as some people live quite far away. The other morning they were an hour late and arrived just as we were all getting dismissed.
we get '"fire days" as well call them where i live. it is too warm for snow but every october we seem to get bad wild fires and get a day or so off school because of air quality. :/
i would rather have snow days!
Fire days?! Ok..that's a bit too scary for me.

We have a snow day today. Jack Frost dumped a whole 1/2"!! whoooo I can hardly get out my door! lol :rolleyes:
Haha, we don't have fire days but we have "spare the air" days. It's worse than school because we have to stay inside all day because of the air quality. All the schools around here are outdoor schools so that means that in elementary school; no recess, no lunchroom (we have to eat in the classroom) and no PE. It's not that big a difference in high school, but we all have to cram into the gym for PE and we can't eat lunch outside like we usually do.
Wow, I wish we got fire days! Unlikely though- it hits 80 and everyone's melting with the "It far too *swearyword* hot in here!"

Maddiekate, what makes the air quality bad?

And you said Recess lol! I loved that programme!
Haha, we don't have fire days but we have "spare the air" days. It's worse than school because we have to stay inside all day because of the air quality. All the schools around here are outdoor schools so that means that in elementary school; no recess, no lunchroom (we have to eat in the classroom) and no PE. It's not that big a difference in high school, but we all have to cram into the gym for PE and we can't eat lunch outside like we usually do.

Yikes! Is that because of badly polluted air?

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